Thursday, December 26, 2019
Silent Ears, Silent Heart Essay - 1320 Words
Silent Ears, Silent Heart I thought that Silent Ears, Silent Heart was an excellent book. It really gave you a full prospective of what a family and a person has to go through living a life without being able to hear sound it also helps you realize what someone has to go through that can’t hear what is going on around them. The book starts off with a couple named the Clines there’s Mr. Cline who is Jack who runs his own multimillion dollar business in a glass production. His dream is to have his son at his side and follow in his footsteps and run the family business someday. Then there’s Mrs. Cline who is Margret who is a stay at home wife that is waiting the arrival of their child. The book starts off with them being a typical†¦show more content†¦He was in complete denial. For some reason he thought that if his son cannot hear that makes him stupid and a retard. Witch I found appalling. That a father could say such a thing about his own son just because he was different and cou ld possibly have a disability. Throughout most of the book his father has a hard time excepting that his son has a problem. At one part he practically disowns his whole family. His business was having a big corporate business and his wife and son were there and one of the employees were explaining to someone else how his son was deaf and that his son is probably not going to be able to take over the family business, Mr. Clines pulls the man to the side and tells him as far as the business people know he has no family, no wife and no son which how could a father say that. The first time where I was able to see the father actually care is when his wife gets a letter in the mail asking them to register their son into a special needs program to try and get him ready for kindergarten since he will not be able to progress as quickly as the other children in class. But his mom had a very hard time letting go of her baby bay. He still was only 3 years old but that’s when he needed to start learning how to communicate so that he can be ready for kindergarten. Mr. Clines signs the paper right away but his wife is still having a hard time excepting sending her son to school so early when she couldShow MoreRelatedShort Story750 Words  | 3 PagesSILENT! Very silent it remained, at the moment that the room saved... ghost silent, all stood still. I opened the gated door and I faintly warped the rusted door knob, with pleasure I ushered in the friendly officers. A big sizable and nice, trusting smile I kept , to make sure they don’t sprout any c ertain suspicions. I sat them down right above where the body lied to rot. We prattled on about familiar topics, but hitherto then, I gained their assurance. 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As he slides onto the sofa, he pulls me close beside him, sliding his arm around my back to rest his hand on my hip. I ignore Alices glare that she focuses on me, or possibly Angelo. Instead, I turn my face, resting my cheekRead MoreSilence in The Chosen Essay1664 Words  | 7 PagesZionism and the development of Israel without the coming of the Messiah via papers, flyers, and rallies, grew oddly silent with the comings of more violence in Palestine. â€Å"†¦as Arab forces began to attack the Jewish communities of Palestine, as an Arab mob surged through Princess Mary Avenue in Jerusalem†¦as the toll of Jewish dead increased daily, Reb Saunders’ league grew strangely silent.†(pg.240). The silence of the Hasids showed just how depressed and grief-stricken they were with the acts of violenceRead MoreMy Speech On Faith And Faith1491 Words  | 6 PagesThe wind whispers into my ear his name, sitting down on my front porch looking up into the sky thinking wh at it would feel like to be part of something that is out of this world. But for me, faith is something you can’t change or just even something you cannot force to happen. Until he came along, he wasn’t one of those boys that was annoying and that was after every girl that was passing by. We all think of every boys and girls the same, but we have to truly see who this person is. My uncle surprisingly
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Democracy - 1783 Words
Democracy in America Democracy in America Democracy in America has changed through the years. We started out a republic and in some ways we still are, but in other ways we have turned into a democracy and in some ways we have turned into a socialist country. We still have the vote and the Electoral College. That is an example of how we are still a republic. An example of how we have turned to democracy is the unions. When a union gets together and votes on something such as a strike, that is mob rule and, with the exception of making a deal, there is nothing that anyone can do. An example of how we have become more socialist is the fact that the progressives want to make everything equal and with the current President and Senate, they†¦show more content†¦The Presidential office has changed over time. When this country was first founded and separated from Great Britain, the President, when there finally was one, worked for the people and not for his party. As time has gone by, the President has more often than not pushed for whatever his party has wanted and not necessarily what the people have wanted. Also, the President has more and more pushed things for his own agenda as opposed to the good of the country. I think the framers of the Constitution should have written that in order to be President, the person running should have to have been in the military and also have to have been in some sort of political office or executive in a business. I think that if this was written into the Constitution, this country would be in much better shape than it is today. One other item that the President has is executive power. I believe he uses that power entirely too much. There are certain times when the President should not be allowed to use that power. Our current President has abuse that power. There should be a limit on how many times he can use it and for what. Also, the presidential power of pardoning of prisoners is abused in some cases. Take Bill Clinton for example; he par doned over 300 people during his presidency but over 140 people were on his last day. Many of those people were violent or drug users and sellers. The power of pardon should be taken away and given to the senate to be voted on or taken awayShow MoreRelatedDemocracy Is Not A Democracy1297 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.†said by John Adams Defines our country s government to a tea Democracy commonly refers to a type of political system in which the people or their representatives lawfully govern themselves, rather than being governed, say, by a military dictatorship, totalitarian party or monarchRead MoreDemocracy : Democracy Vs. Democracy1589 Words  | 7 PagesDemocracy is a Greek invention, first practiced in the ancient Greek city of Athens. In the late 20t h century, Democracy triumphed over all other major ideological systems, so overpowering was its victory that former critics now began to advocate their own democratic credentials. The vigorous rise of democracy has continued ever since and today there are over 112 self-proclaimed democratic countries around the world(Kekic 2007), whether all these countries are truly democratic or not is debatableRead MoreDemocracy And Its Impact On Democracy965 Words  | 4 Pages How are they related to democracy, concepts discuss the procedures that make democracy possible. Democracy related to our lives by looking for the right thing to do, for every one of us have equality and freedom of speech, we could have multiple ideas it might change the ideology of the country, we also could related the democracy by looking at the facts. The facts are Free Elections, Political Participation, Civil Liberties, and Functioning Government. The democracy is one of the most common typesRead MoreDemocracy And Its Impact On Democracy1329 Words  | 6 Pages Democracy is a particular form of government the means, â€Å"ruled by the people†. The Greeks are widely credited for the concept of democracy, around six B.C. Many political science experts consider the early Greek government, to be a perfect for of democracy. People had the ability to decide various government issues, and the right to suffrage. Through out time, the concept of democracy was established by many nations. The United States, is widely credited on making democracy widely used aroundRead MoreDemocracy : A Perfect Democracy1398 Words  | 6 PagesDemocracy at its purest form is a system of government, which allows each and every citizen to participate actively and equally in the decisions being made. In a perfect democracy, the decisions made the government are perfect representations of what the people want. In reality, a perfect democracy is nearly impossible, especially when dealing with a population as large as the United States, but there are still techniq ues and systems that can be implemented into a society in which democracy can beRead MoreDemocracy And Its Effect On Democracy894 Words  | 4 PagesDemocracy in its most basic form is a type of governing system ruled by the citizens of a particular society. The first form of democracy can be found in ancient Greece, and the modern form of Democracy was established in part by the French revolution because it brought back the idea of rule by the people. Although, for most of history democracy was not viewed in a positive light. According to Mintz, Close, and Croci many people feared democracy because they thought the masses would not act withRead MoreDemocracy And Its Effect On Democracy Essay2111 Words  | 9 PagesOver the past quarter-century, democracy has stood at the center of political debate in many countries and it is a constant concern of the political and social sciences. Since its origins in ancient Greece, democracy was seen as a form of government where power was exercised by the people, that is, where political decisions were made by the majority. Today, democracy enjoys great recognition, but it is important to bear in mind that where democracy is now the preferred constitution, we can not forgetRead MoreDemocracy And Its Lack Of Democracy2099 Words  | 9 Pagesoligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Most shocking critique throughout the discussion is about democracy and its ineffectiveness to rule. Plato’s disagreement of democracy does not involve of what we are acquainted with today, but rather the idea of democracy. Plato explores the central strain of the government that is acknowledged with liberty and fairness. Also, this form of government known for its embracement of freedom and equality. Plato’s description and disagreement about democracy is correctRead MoreDemocracy843 Words  | 4 PagesDemocracy Essay 1 Democracy is a means for the people to choose their leaders and to hold their leaders accountable for their policies and their conduct in office. The key role of citizens in a democracy is to participate in public life. Democracy is also a system of rule by laws, not by individuals. Democracy is not a government. It is a way of thinking and a responsibilityRead MoreDemocracy949 Words  | 4 Pages112 American Government Professor: Dr. Moon Park Term Paper 03/17/15 Is United States of America a Democratic country? Democracy has been defined as a government structure which people are involved in decision making about it either directly or through by the representatives whom they have chosen by open vote. In a perfect sensing world ideal of perfect democracy could be described as all citizens are well informed in every topics of issues occurring around them such as human abuse, employment
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Companies and Partnership Law for Royal Charter - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCompanies and Partnership Law for Royal Charter. Answer: According to section 5 of the Partnership Act 1958, persons conducting business with a view to earn profits shall be deemed to be in a partnership relation with each other. However, the relation between two members of a company that is registered under any Act or is formed in accordance to any Act or Royal charter or any patent letter, shall not be considered as partnership within the meaning of this Act. The following conduct of the parties give rise to partnership: there must be a valid agreement between the parties intending to enter into partnership relation; the partners must be equally empowered to monitor the transactions of the company and participate in the decision-making process of the partnership firm; the partners are empowered to bind the firm; the partners are bound by the acts on behalf of the firm; the partners are jointly liable for all the obligations and the debts of the firm incurred while the partner continues to be then partner of the firm; the partners cannot expel any other partner unless there is an agreement between the partners for the same; the partners provide complete information and render true accounts of the firm; the partners are accountable for making any profit without the consent of other partners; the partnership may dissolve by death or on bankruptcy; or when the partnership becomes unlawful or when the court dissolves the partnership; Therefore, as per the Partnership Act, the partners of a partnership firm aims at carrying on the business activities with a common objective to earn profits (Coffee et al. 2015). The partners of a partnership firm must have mutual trusts among them and act in a manner that is not detrimental to the partnership. They are under statutory obligations to carry on the transactions of the firm in lawful manner and render true accounts to the other partners of the partnership firm. If any partner is involved in any form of misconduct o illegal activities, the remaining partners may initiate legal action against such partner or in case, any unlawful event takes place, the partners may dissolve the partnership or approach the court to dissolve the partnership firm. One of the significant advantage of a partnership firm is that every partner is responsible for conducting the transaction of the business and a sole individual is not responsible for every transaction as in sole proprietorship form of business. Legal principles There is no difference between a trading name and a business name and can be used interchangeably. The legal name of a business shall appear on every official documents and legal documents such as legal contracts, employment contracts, etc. the legal name of a sole trader is the very name of the trader himself. The other forms of legal names include name of an incorporated association or a proprietary limited company (Hoye et al. 2015). While starting a business, if a person wishes to operate a partnership firm or a sole trader or a trust, except a company, it is important to register the business name of under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). In case the name of the business includes the name and surname of the person operating the business or that of his partner, it need not be registered under the ASIC. A business name is required to be registered under the ASIC only if the name is different from the legal name of the person starting up the business. However, the business name cannot be updated once it is registered under the ASIC even if updating the name signifies a minute change in it. In order to carry out the trade activities under a different name, it must be registered as a new business. The person wishing to update or change the business name may either cancel then existing name or keep the name prevailing for using it later for a different purpose (Lo 2017). Examples Shirley Price has a jeweler business named Shirley Price. Since the trading name includes her own name. it need not be registered. Joey Tribbiani operates a stationery business named Tribbs stationeries. Since the trading name does not include his own name, he must register the business name Tribbs stationeries. In the given scenario, Earl wishes to attach a business name to the Spectacular Pty Ltd and as a the name suggests, he is a sole trader, therefore, the name of the business has already been registered under the ASIC. In order to change the name from Spectacular Pty ltd to Spekkie Events, Eral would have to register the existing business as a new one and cancel the existing name Spectacular Pty Ltd. Evidence of research All the business registration is conducted under the ASIC through its website where Earl can obtain the Australian Business Number (ABN) and register the name online. The name of the business is decided and checks its availability on the ASIC website and register the business. Legal principles Every business organizations must follow standard procedures for the former employees. It is often observed that former employees tend to misuse the confidential information that they possessed while they were the employees of the former organization, which includes the list of the clients dealt with by the former organization (McQueen 2016). Under such circumstances, the employer of t former organization may either terminate the employee or bring a legal action against the wrongdoer and obtain reliefs by way of damages or obtain injunction order against the wrongdoer. The ASIC forbids any former employee to misuse any confidential information that the employee had access to while he was an employee of the former organization. It is contrary to the business code of conduct to misuse the confidential information of former organization for the benefit of the former employee. Relevant cases In Gilford Motor Company Ltd v Horne, Mr. Horne was a former employee of the motor company and was prohibited from soliciting the customers of the Gilford Company. However, he initiated a new company and solicited the customers of the company. The court considered it as a sham under the cloak of corporate veil and was liable for his misconduct. Evidence of Research In the given scenario, Earl left the Golden Lights Pty Ltd on 11 Dec, hence he was not supposed to steal eh customers list for his own benefits and is liable to legal action that may be brought against him by the employer of the Golden Lights Pty Ltd. This was further held in SAI Global Property Division Pty Ltd v Johnstone [2016] FCA 1333. Legal principles A company is said to have a separate legal identity, which is distinct from that of its members. In case of any breach arising out of the contracts, the company would be held liable for the same and not its members and this principle is known as the Veil of the Corporation. The principle states that there is a fictional veil between the company and its members (Wilson 2016). However, the court under certain circumstances may not consider this principle and hold the members of the company liable for any act conducted for misusing the corporation behind the veil. This is known as the lifting or piercing the corporate veil. Relevant cases In Salomon v Salomon and Co. Ltd [1897] AC 22, the principle of corporate veil was introduced where the company is said to have a separate legal entity, different from its members. In Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners, the court held that the principle of corporate veil must be applied cautiously. In case, the defendant had conducted inappropriately or exhibited any misconduct using the legal entity of the corporation, the court shall pierce the corporate veil and hold the individual personally liable for such misconduct. Research Evidence Therefore, in the given scenario, Earl stole the clients list from the Golden Lights Private Limited for its own benefit. He cannot hide behind the corporate veil. The court shall pierce the corporate veil as Earl has used the legal entity for improper purpose, which amounts to a sham and is liable to pay damages. ASIC regulates the markets, finance and corporate sectors of the country ensures that the financial markets are acting in compliance with the legal obligations to operate in a fair an orderly manner and maintain transparency in the markets (Wilson 2016). In case it receives reports relating to misconduct within the market it would conduct an initial assessment of such report to ensure whether there has been violation of the laws related to financial services. ASIC would respond within 28 days from the receipt of such report. In the given case, the ASIC would investigate about the sham caused by Earl by stealing the confidential clients lists from Golden Lights Pty Ltd for his own benefits. If the ASIC is of the opinion that there has been a clear misconduct and action should be taken, it would initiate any administrative, criminal or civil action against Earl in case of violation of the laws regulated by the ASIC. Reference List (2017). How ASIC deals with reports of misconduct | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2017]. Coffee Jr, J.C., Sale, H. and Henderson, M.T., 2015. Securities regulation: Cases and materials. Gilford Motor Company Ltd v Horne Hoye, R., Smith, A.C., Nicholson, M. and Stewart, B., 2015. Sport management: principles and applications. Routledge. Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland revenue Commissioners Lo, S.H., 2017. Piercing of the corporate veil for evasion of tort obligations. Common Law World Review, 46(1), pp.42-60. McQueen, R., 2016. A Social History of Company Law: Great Britain and the Australian Colonies 18541920. Routledge. Partnership Act 1958. SAI Global Property Division Pty Ltd v Johnstone [2016] FCA 1333. Salomon v Salomon and Co. Ltd [1897] AC 22 Wilson, G., 2016. The search for a principled approach to lifting the corporate veil: a Polanyian perspective to a Quixotic quest.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Reflection on the Leadership Behavior free essay sample
Based on the theory of ethical and authentic leadership styles and finished questionnaire which reflected situations about me, this assignment is to analysis which kind of leadership I am. In the following paragraphs, I will illustrate the similarities and differences between my self-assessment and the questionnaire’s results and try to find out my leadership style by explaining each kind of leadership style together with the results. I will start with explaining the theories. There are several characteristic about ethical leaders. They respect and serve others, not only think highly of justice, but also process the beauty of honesty. As a moral person, they have perfect personalities. As a moral manager, it was their effort to influence the ethical behaviors of others (Trevino, Brown, amp; Hartman, 2003). Being a moral person is the priority of being a moral manager while moral manager strengthen their leadership through more emotional communications. They will consider their staff in the first place when they are make decisions and award their employees for their moral behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on the Leadership Behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Speaking of authentic leadership style, it shared some characteristic with ethical leadership style. For instance, they both have positive core values such as altruism, kindness, fairness, accountability, and optimism. These characteristic motivate leaders to do what is right and fair for fellows and forming relationships filled with trust, communicate, guidance and emphasis (Yukl, 2013). The difference is authentic leaders care more about self consciousness while ethical leaders care more about others’, so authentic leaders are more likely to be true to themselves and equipped with the character of honest . The result obtained from the questionnaire turn out to be similar to my self-assessment. I got 9 on my self-assessment on the ethical leadership part and an average number of 4. 6 on that part of the questionnaire while 5 on the self-assessment of authentic leadership and a 3 on that of the questionnaire averagely. It seems that some of my behaviors and thoughts can meet the detailed descriptions of the ethical leadership style on the questionnaire and have a strong sense of morality that would be an important part of my leadership style. Comparatively, it takes me more time to go through each options of authentic leadership style for some of them have merely come up to my mind before. Comparing my self-assessment to the explanation, I surprisingly find it shows exactly my personal situation. At most of the circumstances, including daily life or in the role of a leader, I’d like to respect others’ opinion and have faith in influencing others through my moral behaviors. I also feel responsible to serve others when I could and award them for their outstanding behaviors or improvements. Although I don’t have a lot of chances to practice my ideas, I have high mark on ethical in the self- assessment. Even the results turned out to be unsatisfied, I will consider them successes for the moral influences. In another aspect, I have to admit that I don’t have a very good mark on authentic. When I look into the explanation of it, I find that I do not match with the idea of being true to myself. I am more likely to hide those parts of me that unwilling to be seen by others especially those parts that concerned moral but I am not perfect at. I think in the coming future I need to work on the character of authentic leader style and make up the weaknesses. Comparing the result from the questionnaire with the theory, with an average of 4. 6 on ethical, I find each question from the questionnaire is inspiring. Among all the 10 features, I get the lowest on the 9th and my reason was we should look at the bigger pictures when we making decisions. But when it comes to taking actions, the priority thing is to make sure all the behaviors during the process is moral instead of having the best interest of team members in mind. But according to Yukl, having the best interest of team members in mind is the representation of serving others and that is very persuasive. Meanwhile, I have an average of 3 on authentic. It is hard for me to give a positive mark on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and 16th. I think the outcome have a lot to do with my habit of hiding some part of myself and unwilling to share mentally things. I think I should learn to find a balance between being true myself and a moral person. In conclusion, I think the self-assessment and the questionnaire is very useful for me to get a visual result of my leadership style situation and analyze it together with the theory of ethical and authentic leadership style can help me to realize the character and weaknesses, which is having the willing to behave moral and influence others but still need to learn how to be true self when leading people.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Definition of a Bar Graph
The Definition of a Bar Graph A bar graph or a bar chart is used to represent data visually using bars of different heights or lengths. Data is graphed either horizontally or vertically, allowing viewers to compare different values and draw conclusions quickly and easily. A typical bar graph will have a label, axis, scales, and bars, which represent measurable values such as amounts or percentages. Bar graphs are used to display all kinds of data, from quarterly sales and job growth to seasonal rainfall and crop yields. The bars on a bar graph may be the same color, though different colors are sometimes used to distinguish between groups or categories to make the data easier to read and interpret. Bar graphs have a labeled x-axis (horizontal axis) and y-axis (vertical axis). When experimental data is graphed, the independent variable is graphed on the x-axis, while the dependent variable is graphed on the y-axis. Types of Bar Graphs Bar graphs take different forms depending on the type and complexity of the data they represent. They can be as simple, in some cases, as two bars, such as a graph representing the vote totals of two competing political candidates. As the information becomes more complex, so will the graph, which may even take the form of a grouped or clustered bar graph or a stacked bar graph. Single: Single bar graphs are used to convey the discrete value of the item for each category shown on the opposing axis. An example would be a representation of the number of males in grades 4-6 for each of the years 1995 to 2010. The actual number (discrete value) could be represented by a bar sized to scale, with the scale appearing on the X-axis. The Y-axis would display the corresponding years. The longest bar on the graph would represent the year from 1995 to 2010 in which the number of males in grades 4-6 reached its greatest value. The shortest bar would represent the year in which the number of males in grades 4-6 reached its lowest value. Grouped: A grouped or clustered bar graph is used to represent discrete values for more than one item that share the same category. In the single bar graph example above, only one item (the number of males in grades 4-6) is represented. But one could very easily modify the graph by adding a second value that includes the number of females in grades 4-6. The bars representing each gender by year would be grouped together and color-coded to make it clear which bars represent the male and female values. This grouped bar graph would then allow readers to easily compare the number of students enrolled in grades 4-6 both by year and by gender. Stacked: Some bar graphs have each bar divided into subparts that represent the discrete values for items that constitute a portion of the whole group. For instance, in the examples above, students in grades 4-6 are grouped together and represented by a single bar. This bar could be broken into subsections to represent the proportion of students in each grade. Again, color coding would be needed to make the graph readable. Bar Graph vs. Histogram A histogram is a type of chart that often resembles a bar graph. However, unlike a bar graph, which represents the relationship between two different variables, a histogram represents only a single, continuous variable. In a histogram, the range of values is divided into a series of intervals, known as bins or buckets, which are labeled on the charts x-axis. The y-axis, when the bins are evenly spaced, measures the frequency of the given values. Histograms can be used to produce models of probability and to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes. How to Make a Bar Graph The easiest way to create a bar graph is to use the Charts tool in Microsoft Excel. This tool allows you to transform spreadsheet data into a simple chart, which you can then customize by adding a title and labels and by changing the chart style and column colors. Once you have completed the bar graph, you can make updates and adjustments by changing the values in the spreadsheet. You can also create simple bar graphs using free online tools such as Meta Chart and Canva.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Babylonia and the Law Code of Hammurabi
Babylonia and the Law Code of Hammurabi Babylonia (roughly, modern southern Iraq) is the name of an ancient Mesopotamian empire known for its math and astronomy, architecture, literature, cuneiform tablets, laws and administration, and beauty, as well as excess and evil of Biblical proportions. Control of Sumer-Akkad Since the area of Mesopotamia near where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers emptied into the Persian Gulf had two dominant groups, the Sumerians, and Akkadians, it its to as Sumer-Akkad. As part of an almost endless pattern, other people kept trying to take control of the land, mineral resources, and trade routes. Eventually, they succeeded. Semitic Amorites from the Arabian Peninsula gained control over most of Mesopotamia by about 1900 B.C. They centralized their monarchical government over the city-states just north of Sumer, in Babylon, formerly Akkad (Agade). The three centuries of their domination is known as the Old Babylonian period. The Babylonian King-God Babylonians believed the king held power because of the gods; moreover, they thought their king was a god. To maximize his power and control, a bureaucracy and centralized government were established along with the inevitable adjuncts, taxation, and involuntary military service. Divine Laws The Sumerians already had laws, but they were administered jointly by individuals and the state. With a divine monarch came divinely inspired laws, violation of which was an offense to the state as well as the gods. The Babylonian king (1728-1686 B.C.) Hammurabi codified the laws in which (as distinct from the Sumerian) the state could prosecute on its own behalf. The Code of Hammurabi is famous for demanding punishment to fit the crime (the lex talionis, or an eye for an eye) with different treatment for each social class. The Code is thought to be Sumerian in spirit but with a Babylonian inspired harshness. The Babylonian Empire and Religion Hammurabi also united the Assyrians to the north and the Akkadians and Sumerians to the south. Trade with Anatolia, Syria, and Palestine spread Babylonian influence further. He further consolidated his Mesopotamian empire by building a network of roads and a postal system. In religion, there wasnt much change from Sumer/Akkad to Babylonia. Hammurabi added a Babylonian Marduk, as chief god, to the Sumerian pantheon. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Babylonian compilation of Sumerian tales about a legendary king of the city-state of Uruk, with a flood story. When, in the reign of Hammurabis son, the horse-back invaders known as the Kassites, made incursions into Babylonian territory, the Babylonians thought it punishment from the gods, but they managed to recover and stayed in (limited) power until the beginning of the 16th century B.C. when the Hittites sacked Babylon, only to withdraw later because the city was too distant from their own capital. Eventually, the Assyrians suppressed them, but even that was not the end of the Babylonians for they rose again in the Chaldean (or Neo-Babylonian) era from 612-539 made famous by their great king, Nebuchadnezzar.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Quick Response (QR) Codes Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Quick Response (QR) Codes - Coursework Example This particular code is quite widespread in several nations throughout the globe including Japan and Germany and is gaining popularity in terms of execution by a greater level (Petersen, 2012). With this concern, this paper intends to present the advantages along with the disadvantages regarding the execution of QR codes. Advantages and Disadvantages of QR Codes After acquiring a brief idea about the notion of QR codes, it can be viewed that QR codes possesses certain advantages along with disadvantages. Today, this particular code is widely adopted and executed in every operational field or industry such as healthcare for the purpose of mitigating any adverse situation. In accordance with the scenario provided, it can be observed that it is the emergency workers in Marin Country who are largely using this particular advanced technology i.e. QR codes in order to save an extensive figure of lives in emergency situations. This technology i.e. QR code is often considered to be â€Å"ne w-fangled technology†which has proved to be quiet effective in healthcare segment. Prior to discussing about the advantages and the disadvantages of QR codes, it is quite indispensable to acquire a brief idea about the facets of QR codes. In this regard, QR codes are quite cost-effective and any individual can effectively use a QR code for the purpose of addressing any situation. ... It is widely accepted that QR codes are typically adopted and exploited especially with the intention of tracking humans in terms of recognizing different information systems and image-processing (Yeo, Pan, Lee, & Chang, 2012). Specially mentioning, certain decisive facets of QR codes such as massive storage capacity and fast readability can prove to be much advantageous for individuals along with organizations. With regard to analyzing the advantages along with the disadvantages of QR codes, it can be noted that QR codes have replaced the utilization of 2D barcodes that were invented in the early period of 1990s. QR codes were mainly invented and incorporated in the year 1994 which has resulted in lessening the usage of 2D barcodes by a significant level. The major advantages of QR codes include its provided facility to store several sorts of valuable information and reveal precise data. In terms of advantages, it can be stated that unlike other barcodes that require to be read with certain output services such as physical scanners, QR codes can be perceived by a mobile device facilitating the users to perform different functions effortlessly (Furht, 2011). On the other hand, certain disadvantages of QR codes entail limited compatibility, the requirement of greater knowledge about advanced technological advancements, security issue and the existence of several competitors that are performing similar functions. Amongst these mentioned disadvantages, the most crucial concern is the security issue which affects personal safety at large. It can be stated that the use of QR codes will remain much restricted if an individual possesses little amount of knowledge with regard to accessing the indispensable
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mental Health iIlness (DEMENTIA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Mental Health iIlness (DEMENTIA) - Essay Example Since impaired neurons are not capable of reproducing or renewing, the changes are irreversible, and any outcomes they produce are often irreversible (p. 118). Generally, it is not possible to halt the progression of the illness, because no cure is available. Hence the condition could affect other nerve cells, slowly but unavoidably resulting in the behavioural disorders and incapacities called ‘dementia’ (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 1-2). The outcomes could be illustrated as an organised deterioration of the mind through which the individual becomes more and more helpless, insecure, difficult, unaware, and inadequate. With an aging population that is drastically enlarging, there is the likelihood that dementia will become massively prevalent in the 21st century. Dementia: An Overview Dementia is defined by the World Health Organisation as (Curran & Wattis 2004, 10): A syndrome due to disease of the brain, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, in which there is impai rment of multiple higher cortical functions, including memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgment. Consciousness is not clouded. The cognitive impairments are commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded, by deterioration in emotional control, social behaviour, or motivation. Hence this illness has implications for the capacity of individuals to deal with facets of their everyday lives to their prior capabilities. Commonplace tasks like taking a bath, dressing, going to work, leisure, and building and maintaining relationships become more and more taxing. If the individual endures dementia for a long time it could become painfully difficult for him/her to perform such tasks by themselves or to communicate or express needs clearly and intelligibly (Judd 2011, 89). The nature of dementia is that it is an accelerating condition; signs become more evident and impinge on the person’s life on a greater extent, sooner or la ter spreading through all parts. Signs and Symptoms Loss of memory is dementia’s most common symptom. There are those who fail to remember the names, or even faces, of people they have been acquainted to for a long time, or lose their way in long known places. There are those who have obsessed or paranoid delusions about the people around them (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 3). Numerous have abrupt, unhealthy loss of weight. When such diagnoses do not disable function or ability, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is detected (Esiri & Trojanowski 2004, 3). According to Levine (2006, 29), roughly 20% of individuals with MCI progress to dementia as these cognitive disorders affect everyday activities and function. Psychiatric signs and symptoms (e.g. depression, psychosis) were identified as major features of dementia since 1907. In spite of this finding, emphasis during the earlier decades has usually focused exclusively on memory deficits and other cognitive areas that have been dra wn on to identify dementia’s clinical symptoms (Budson & Kowall 2011, 113). The scientific value and extensive prevalence of other mental disorders in dementia are currently the focus of numerous specialists and researchers. According to some findings, the pervasiveness of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Critical Analysis Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Critical Analysis Worksheet Essay Perform a critical analysis of each reading using critical thinking techniques from this week’s readings. Respond to the following based on your critical thinking analysis of the â€Å"Common Core†and â€Å"The Battle Against Common Core Standards†readings. 1) Define the term conclusion. Aside from being the obvious result or closing, a conclusion is also â€Å"a proposition concluded or inferred from the premises of an argument†as defined by This means, the conclusion is a final logically reasoned deduction. 2) What is the conclusion of each article? The conclusion from the â€Å"Common Core†perspective is that students will learn the essentials for success in college and business prior to graduating high school. The conclusion for those that are in â€Å"The Battle Against Common Core Standards†is that implementing these standards is politically motivated and not in the best interest of students. See more: how to write an analysis 3) Define the term premises. The premise is the basis of support for a given conclusion. 4) What premises support the conclusions in each article? Those working against common core implementation cite government control due to the funding provided to school districts and lack of proof that the system works as basic reasons for their conclusions. Those in favor of common core cite better prepared graduating students, a more educated workforce, and standardization amongst students. The article indicated that if districts had to define their own educational standards, they would start by seeking out â€Å"common core standards.†5) How convincing is the conclusion of each article? Explain your answer. I was more convinced by the arguments in favor of implementing common core standards. I noticed more bias in Smith’s article against common core implementation. I was more convinced by Sell’s article because of the objectivity. 6) Define the term biases. A bias is â€Å"a particular dendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a quesiton; prejudice†according to Anything that prevents someone from objectively drawing a conclusion is a bias. 7) What biases did you observe in each article? Why do you think they are biases? While the â€Å"Common Core†article objectively defined common core and explained its function all of the sources cited were supportive of implementing common core standards. The article would state the opposition and then Sell would quote someone in favor of common core. Smith’s title alone lets you know that this is an opposing argument. The article is politically motivated. Throughout the article, Smith discusses democratic initiatives and state’s â€Å"relinquishing their right to control.†8) What might be the sources of the biases in each article? Personal expertise is the initial bias. Perhaps they have a child that has fallen below common core standards. Living in a state that has already implemented common core values, I have dealt with standardized tests as both a student and parent. While I was able to pass them with ease, I have witnessed students taken them multiple times to no avail. Those politically motivated are driven by funding and votes. It’s hard to determine if their focus is genuine or if ulterior motives are present. I recognize my personal bias with regard to choosing or opposing common core. References Bias. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from \ website: Conclusion. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from website: Premise. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved November 14, 2014, from website: Sell, M. (2013). Common core. McClatchy Tribune Business News [Washington]. Smith, H.K. (2013, March). The battle against common core standards. FreedomWorks, Retrieved from Link to the article:
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Dream Act Essay -- Immigration
Being an undocumented student in the U.S is literally being cursed for being born outside the country because one will find virtually all doors to the American Dream closed. Apparently working hard, graduating from high school, living here mostly a whole life, and the desire to become someone successful and contribute to this country is not enough in the eyes of the opponents to the Dream Act to qualify for neutralization. All aspirations and hopes for a better future vanish when one finds out that it’s impossible to attend a university or find a job because proof of citizenship is required. All AB 540 students experience this situation and the Dream Act is the solution to stop these sufferings. The Dream Act is a bill that was first introduced in the senate in 2001 and has been reintroduced several times but has not been successful. This bill would provide AB 540 students conditional permanent residency, allow them to qualify for some federal and state financial assistance, and after completing certain strict requirements they would soon be able to apply for their citizenship. The Dream Act should be passed not only to be fair to AB 540 students, but for the benefit of our economy, baby boomers, and the future of the United States. The Dream Act establishes a rigorous process for AB 540 students and they must meet several strict requirements. This means that not all undocumented students would qualify; only the fortunate, the brightest and overachievers would qualify. Generally â€Å"they must prove that they came to the United States before the age of 16, have lived here for at least five years, do not have a criminal record, are not removable from the country and possess good moral character†(Duncan A.19"). These students mus... ...oto, Lourdes Diaz. "IMMIGRATION TO THE U.S." The Praeger Handbook of Latino Education in the U.S. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007. Credo Reference. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. "Standing Up for Immigrant Students." Rethinking Schools Vol. 18, No. 2. Winter 2003: 4-5. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 12 Oct 2014. Susan, Farley. Class Lecture. Allan Hancock College Room C-35, Santa Maria Ca. 3 Nov. 2014. Lecture. "The DREAM Act." Immigration Policy Center. Web. 8 Nov. 2014. . "Kick-starting Immigration Reform." The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company, 12 May 2011. A.20. ProQuest direct. Web. 20 Sept. 2014. Warner, Judith. "Education Costs.", â€Å"Social Security and Baby Boomers.†Battleground Immigration. Greenwood Group, 2009. 267-273, 784-785. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). EBSCO. Web. 30 Sept. 2014.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Why do the students cheat on the exams?
Keywords: study, student, deadline, Exam In the university context Just like any other society, we have crime and dishonesty and amongst all , students' cheating is just one of the appearances of these . Firstly I'd like to specify a clear definition And remind of what exactly is exam and why is it an inseparable part of the education Cause I believe that we should have a clear image of what we are doing and why are we doing it in order to be a professional .In education an examination is a test provided to see if the person who wants to take a degree or special certificate is capable of being taken that certificate or not. †adopting this definition we conclude that taking an exam is a requirement of receiving a degree. So this can be first motto for this essay â€Å"no exam,no degree ; no degree,no exam. †Students have different motives for study , they study In their specific majors as engineers-to be , translators-to be , accountants-to be , etc . They have to learn essential materials to be a standard engineer , translator , accountant , etc . W we successful expert and the other case in which the student is Just trying to get the degree and is not into learning the major and getting a good expert , however shocking , but this case is very frequent in Iran universities . And I think it is caused by disagreement of education and Jobs taken by graduates . By dropping the second group out of analyze circle ,we have the students who really want to learn things they have to learn during education period , and the intention of the writer is to inspect these students' cheating and express why they tend to cheat in this step . Titer believes that in standard context they will study well with no dishonesty and therefore will get the degree with no cheating. But life is never perfect and problems like emotional problems and financial affect students' life and these problems in the life tend to ruin the plan of study. And makes the student to miss the d eadlines , most of the students in order to not miss the deadlines decide to use their last weapon And cheat . Because in this situation if they don't cheat they'll ruin the whole schedule of their education.They cheat and they pass the exam with n acceptable mark, and seemingly everything is okay. But in the next semesters the hidden wound in the body of education, shows up. With no time to cure it. And this is where a dishonest solution, makes the problem deeper. But encountering deadlines is not always the same in every student. There are some foresighted students who by missing the deadline seemingly ruin the plan but in fact they strengthen it by keeping it pure . Shampoo says – ‘l AS May your nightmares become more agitated – . You contemplate the interpretation – GAS b so that when you get up
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Comparing poems Essay
Salome turns out to be an evil and very disturbed character; she gets pleasure by beheading people. In this poem it turns out that Salome has removed few other heads previously and she would doubtlessly do it again. She does not even know who’s head it is that is next to her, but it seems like that she does not care at all. This makes her sound like a whore. As the maid walk’s in this makes her feel more comfortable and better for some reason. Hitcher: The man seems really stressed and tired, and when he receives the phone call from his boss that is his final straw. He seems very jealous of the hitcher this is because he is free of stress and is a free spirit. He seems very frustrated. The Man He Killed: This poem is very interesting. It turns out that they don’t want to kill each other but because they are at war with each other’s country. One of them says â€Å"you’d treat if met where any bar is or help to half-a-crown. He is saying if I met you in any other circumstances I would take you to a bar and buy you a pint. My Last Duchess: She is very very jealous, in fact she is so jealous that she wants to poison he and watch he die very slowly. She makes the poison sound like something that is rich and luxurious. Salome: There is some alliteration on line 18-19 where the sound of maid’s clanging makes Salome happy. Throughout the poem the tone of it makes the poem sound like a young girl who is spoiled and self-indulgent. In this poem there are quite a few clichi s e. g. â€Å"and ain’t life a bitch†. Hitcher: In this poem the first stanza has some typical rhymes which bind’s the poem together – â€Å"tired†, â€Å"fired†, â€Å"hired†. Can you see the effect of this? He is tired and then his boss threatens to fire him then he hires a Vauxhall Astra. A lot of clichi ‘s are used in this poems here are some examples â€Å"The truth he said was blowin’ in the wind, or around the next bend†. â€Å"he’d said he liked the breeze to run its fingers/ through his hair†. The Man He Killed: There are colloquialisms such as â€Å"off-hand like†which provide an earthy realism along with the rough sounding meter. The Laboratory: This poem uses consolation irony. It also uses some alliteration here is an example â€Å"Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste†and here is another example â€Å"Brand, burn up, bite into its grace-â€Å". It also has some ambiguity in it here is an example â€Å"If it hurts her, beside, can it ever hurt me? â€Å". Salome: The first verse describes how she is trying to figure out whose head is on the pillow next to here. The second verse describes how she started to feel less â€Å"hangover†when the maid rough in her breakfast. The third verse discusses how she is trying to dissolve the life of â€Å"†¦ the booze and the fags and the sex†. Then she decides to â€Å"turf out the blighter from her bed†. Hitcher: This poem has five stanzas and a regular five line shape with the third line being the longest in all of them. If you look at each third line you will see some sort of a pattern occurring. The shape of the stanza is very interesting. The Man He Killed: This poem has a simple but formal structure of five short stanzas all rhyming ABAB. The last tow stanzas remind the men that they could be friends if they met in any other situation. Stanza’s two and three: set out the qualifying circumstances that change everything for the men’s fate: they are soldiers in opposing armies and therefore enemies. The laboratory: The title in this poem gives us a big hint on where the scene takes place. The speaker is a woman; she takes a lot of pleasure watching the procedure. In the second verse we cab see why the woman wanted revenge, she wanted revenge because the speaker has been betrayed by her lover. In verse three she watches the apothecary at work and is fascinated by what he is doing. She is in no hurry. She takes pleasure in the preparation. This is better than dancing in the kings palace.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Conjugate Definition in Chemistry
Conjugate Definition in Chemistry In chemistry, there are three possible definitions of the term conjugate. Three Types of Conjugates (1) A conjugate refers to a compound formed by the joining of two or more chemical compounds. (2) In the Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases, the term conjugate refers to an acid and base that differ from each other by a proton. When an acid and base react, the acid forms its conjugate base while the base forms it conjugate acid: acid base ⇆conjugate base conjugate acid For an acid HA, the equation is written: HA B ⇆A- HB The reaction arrow points both left and right because the reaction at equilibrium occurs in both the forward direction to form products and the reverse direction to convert products back into reactants. The acid loses a proton to become its conjugate base A- as the base B accepts a proton to become its conjugate acid HB. (3) Conjugation is the overlap of p-orbitals across a ÃÆ' bond (sigma bond). In transition metals, d-orbitals may overlap. The orbitals have delocalized electrons when there are alternating single and multiple bonds in a molecule. Bonds alternate in a chain so long as each atom has an available p-orbital. Conjugation tends to lower the energy of the molecule and increase its stability. Conjugation is common in conducting polymers, carbon nanotubules, graphene, and graphite. Its seen in many organic molecules. Among other applications, conjugated systems can form chromophores. Chromophores are molecules that can absorb certain wavelengths of light, leading them to be colored. Chromophores are found in dyes, the photoreceptors of the eye, and glow in the dark pigments.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Chasmosaurus Facts and Figures
Chasmosaurus Facts and Figures Name: Chasmosaurus (Greek for cleft lizard); pronounced KAZZ-moe-SORE-us Habitat: Woodlands of western North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (75-70 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 15 feet long and 2 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Huge, rectangular frill on neck; small horns on face About Chasmosaurus A close relative of Centrosaurus, and thus classified as a centrosaurine ceratopsian, Chasmosaurus was distinguished by the shape of its frill, which spread out over its head in an enormous rectangle. Paleontologists speculate that this giant awning of bone and skin was lined with blood vessels that allowed it to take on bright colors during mating season and that it was used to signal availability to the opposite sex (and possibly to communicate with other members of the herd). Perhaps because the addition of horns would have been simply too much (even for the Mesozoic Era), Chasmosaurus possessed relatively short, blunt horns for a ceratopsian, certainly nothing approaching the dangerous apparatus of Triceratops. This may have something to do with the fact that Chasmosaurus shared its North American habitat with that other famous ceratopsian, Centrosaurus, which sported a smaller frill and a single large horn on its brow; the difference in ornamentation would have made it easier for two competing herds to steer clear of each other. By the way, Chasmosaurus was one of the first ceratopsians ever to be discovered, by the famous paleontologist Lawrence M. Lambe in 1898 (the genus itself was later diagnosed, on the basis of additional fossil remains, by Charles R. Sternberg). The next few decades witnessed a bewildering multiplication of Chasmosaurus species (not an unusual situation with ceratopsians, which tend to resemble one another and can be difficult to distinguish at the genus and species level); today, all that remain are Chasmosaurus belli and Chasmosaurus russelli. Recently, paleontologists discovered the amazingly well-preserved fossil of a Chasmosaurus juvenile in Albertas Dinosaur Provincial Park, in sediments dating to about 72 million years ago. The dinosaur was about three years old when it died (most likely drowned in a flash flood), and lacks only its front legs.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Existence of God Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Existence of God - Assignment Example This proposition, while it makes some sense, can be questioned in terms of its physical evidence. 2. One cannot put soil in a container and expect it to someday become a house in the future. If no one or nothing does something to it to form another thing, it will remain to be soil. This is what St. Aquinas tries to prove in his argument; that things cannot be without things and movers. For a thing to come into existence; there should be crude materials from which it should be made from. In addition, there should be a maker who has to work on the materials. From this perspective, St. Aquinas proves that God exists claiming that if nothing existed before, then nothing should exist now but since we and the things around us exist, there must be someone who made all things. Again the problem with logical explanations is the absence or lack of physical explanation. 3. The problem of evil as J. L. Mackie explains is rather a necessity than a problem. He goes on to cite Job in the bible as an example. Although he was a good man, Job suffered many evils which cannot be said to be the consequences of his actions. Instead, as Eliphaz points out, â€Å"man is born to trouble†. Mackie claims that evil was necessary for God to test Job’s faithfulness and goodness and therefore, decide on his eternal destination, heaven or hell. However, this could be difficult to explain the just nature or God as the bible claims because as it is understood, justice is having the sinner punished and the good man rewarded. 4. If a man evolves into a bat, he still would not know how it is like to be a bat. This is what Thomas Nagel believes who claims that none of us can ever know how it is to be like a bat. He says this because he believes that knowing is experiencing. Knowing is a process gained from experience and so the transformed bat mentioned earlier cannot really know how it is to be a bat. His experience from being a bat does not suffice to make him know because he lacks the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Measurement and instruments Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Measurement and instruments - Lab Report Example on-chip Hall voltage generator for magnetic sensing, a Schmitt activate to offer switching hysteresis for noise denial, a comparator that amplifies the Hall voltage, and output open collector. An internal regulator is used to offer temperature remunerated supply of voltage for internal circuits and enables a large operating supply choice, When current flows through a piece of metal, the voltage can be measured perpendicular to the flow of current and the voltage should equal zero under no influence of a magnetic field (PopovicÌ , 74). When a magnet field is introduced perpendicular to the flow of current a voltage is induced. If you reverse the polarity of the magnet the polarity of the induced voltage will reverse. The operation is ignited when the device is placed in a magnetic field. When the material is placed in a magnetic field, the flux lines of the magnet and exerts a force on the material which is a semiconductor. This leads to deflection of electrons and charges. Movement of charge carries is due to magnetic force that they experience (PopovicÌ , 204). When current flows through a piece of metal, the voltage can be measured perpendicular to the flow of current and the voltage should equal zero under no influence of a magnetic field. When a magnet field is introduced perpendicular to the flow of current a voltage is induced. If you reverse the polarity of the magnet the polarity of the induced voltage will reverse. There are distinctive features that the instrument has. The features include low current consumption, 3.5V to 24V DC operation voltage, open-Collector pre-driver, wide operating voltage range, temperature compensation, 50mA maximum sinking output current and reverse polarity protection. This is the Hall Effect named after Edwin Hall who discovered this in 1879. The principle which was used was the basic physical principle underlying the Hall Effect being Lorentz force. To generate a potential difference across the device the magnetic flux
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Good fences make good neighbors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Good fences make good neighbors - Essay Example The neighbor believes that a healthy boundary between the two farms can make them better neighbors as he feels that the erection of good walls or barriers would prevent any of his things getting across to the speaker’s farm thus preventing any future argument, though this makes no sense to the speaker as he says that, â€Å"He is all pine and I am apple-orchard. My apple trees will never get across and eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.†(23-25). The speaker asks a question that he answers himself, â€Å"Where there are cows? But here there are no cows,†(30) The speaker believes that since the two of them do not rear cows that could eat up their pines or apples, there is no need for the erection of a wall. The neighbor still insists on his saying that, â€Å"Good fences make good neighbors.†(44) The neighbor believes so much in his father’s saying, while the speaker sees him as somebody with a dark-age mentality. To him, good neighbors are the ones that have good fences between them, a good neighbor would not have any of his/her things interfering with their neighbor’s and to the neighbor, and it is only the erection of good fences that would make this possible.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Overview of the Indian Economy
Overview of the Indian Economy The Indian economy has shown a remarkable growth after the adoption of liberalization policy. The opening up of the Indian economy in the early 1990s led to increase in industrial output and simultaneously raised the inflation Rate in India. There was an immense pressure on the inflation rate due to the stupendous growth rate of employment and industrial output. The main concern of the Reserve Bank of India (the central bank) and the Ministry of Finance, Government of India was the prevalent and intermittent rise of the inflation rate. Increasing inflation rate could be detrimental to the projected growth of Indian economy. Thus, the Reserve Bank of India was putting checks and measures in various policies so as to put a stop to the rising inflation. The Indian business community and the general public were assured by the central bank that the inflationary rise was harmless but still certain apprehensions existed among them. The pricing disparity of agricultural products between the producer and end-consumer was contributing to the increasing Inflation Rate. Apart from this the steep rise of prices of food products, manufacturing products, and necessities had also catapulted the Inflation Rate. As a result of all this, the Wholesale Prices Index (WPI) of India reached 6.1% and the Cash Reserve Ratio touched 5.5% on 6th January, 2007. The Reserve Bank of India gave top priority to price stability in its recently drafted monetary policy so as to arrest the panic and discomfort amongst the Indian business circles. It also aims to sustain the stupendous rate of economic growth of India. The Reserve Bank of India raised the Cash Reserve Ratio and used it as a tool to arrest the increasing Inflation Rate. Rationalizing the pricing disparity between the producer and the consumer is the only solution to this problem. Only this will ensure inflation stabilization and thus sustainable economic growth of India. From the beginning of FY2008 the Indian economy faced a rise in the prices of vegetables, pulses and other basic food stuffs. All this was accompanied with sharp rise in the prices when the annual policy statement for 2008-09 was unveiled on April 29. Inflation increased steadily during the year, reaching 8.75% by the end of May and in June when this figure jumped to 11% then there was an alarming increase in the prices. There were many reasons for it but one of the main driving forces was reduction in government fuel subsidies, which lifted gasoline prices by an average 10%. Indeed, by July 2008, the key Indian Inflation Rate i.e. the Wholesale Price Index touched the mark of 12.6%, highest rate in past 16 years of the Indian history. This was almost three times the RBIs target of 4.1% and almost doubled as compared to last year. This continuous rise slipped back to 12.4% by mid-August. Since the beginning of 2008 combination of various internal and external factors led to steep domestic inflation and the resultant steps taken to control it in were slowing the pace of expansion. These factors included the marked rise in the international prices of oil, food, and metals, moderating the rate of capital inflows, worsening current and fiscal account deficits, increasing cost of funds, minor depreciation of the Indian rupee against the dollar, and slow growth in industrial economies. The Indian economy was at a critical juncture where policies to contain inflation and ensure macroeconomic stabilization have taken center stage. In the first quarter of FY2008 (i.e. April -June), growth rate of GDP slowed down to 7.9% from 9.2% in the corresponding prior-year quarter, for the slowest expansion in three and a half years. The most remarkable decline was in industry where growth rate fell to 6.9% this was mainly because of cutting in the manufacturing growth rate to 5.6%. The slowdown was widened when agriculture and services sector showed a negligible growth of 1.4% and 0.9% points, below their performances of the year-earlier quarter.Over the medium term, the main objective of the government was to bring down inflation to 3%. The Repo and Reverse Repo Rates remained unchanged whereas Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) was increased by 0.25 percentage points. A survey of manufacturing companies was conducted by the Reserve Bank of India in June 2008 which indicated a moderation in business optimism. This was corroborated by the composite business optimism index for July -September 2008 that was prepared by Dun and Bradstreet, which shows a decline of 11.2% as compared to the previous quarter. In July, the BBB- rating on foreign currency debt was confirmed but downgraded the viewfor Indias long -term local currency debt from stable to negative, with a noticeable deterioration in the fiscal position.Growth of the broad money supply (M3) had to be moderated in the range of 16.5 to 17 per cent. While deposits were scheduled to rise by 17% and non-food credit disbursements by banks will grow at a slow rate of 20% as compared to 22.5% in 2007-08. Credit disbursed by banks last year was less as compared to the previous period. Bank credit had grown by a scorching 30% every year for consecutively three years beginning in 2004-05. The combined budget deficits of the central and state governments have been substantially reduced over the past 5 years. This reflected sincere efforts by the government to adhere to fiscal responsibility legislation. For FY2008, the central Governments deficit is budgeted at 2.5% of GDP and the states at 2.1% (4.6% of GDP on a consolidated basis). The major factors that strengthen the appreciable fiscal consolidation from the base were a wider tax base supported by a buoyant economy and improved compliance. Two main situations that must be overcome before achieving the deficit targets for the FY2008 are: a slowing economy that may limit the revenue buoyancy seen in recent years and continuous pressure by the Central Government to raise the salaries of its employees by 21% (about 0.3% of GDP) in response to recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Similar wage increases were announced immediately by half a dozen states and others were following the suit. On the other hand provision for these salary increases was not budgeted. EFFECTS Inflationary pressures in any economy leads to depreciation of its domestic currency. This is what our Indian economy was facing due to the running inflation and as a result Indian rupee depreciated by about 20% since April 2008. Inflation affects- 1.Common man: Inflation effects a common man in different roles such as a consumer: Products such as crude oil, fertilizers, pharmaceutical products, ores and metals, or use imported components such as Personal Computers and laptops are directly imported. Due to depreciation of the Indian Rupee all these goods became very expensive. Components in computers such as processor, hard disk drive and motherboard are also imported. Products such as mouse, keyboard and monitor also witnessed an impact on their prices due to Rupee depreciation. Inflation may rise in an economy when the input costs increase. As an investor: Depreciation of rupee makes imports of various components, capital goods and raw materials more expensive. As inputs and other equipment that are imported get costlier and reducing the profit margins. Companies that import goods in bulk and those with heavy foreign currency borrowings may be marked down in the stock market as the rupee depreciates. As a Wage-earner: During inflation this class of common man suffered a lot because of two reasons- Increase in wages and salaries failed to keep pace with the rising prices. Wages increased during inflation but there is always a time lag between the rise in price and increase in wages. As a result common man looses during the intervening period. Export companies: Due to depreciation of domestic currency exporters receive better prices for their goods and services when sold in foreign markets. Foreign Investors: Depreciation of Indian Rupee reduced the returns that foreign investors used to earn by investing in Indian companies. Depreciation of a currency triggered FII outflows. NRI investors, who previously invested their money in India under various deposit schemes due to high interest rates, started finding those schemes less attractive on account of rupee depreciation. Countrys Balance of Payments: One of the drawbacks of depreciation of Rupee is that exports become cheap in terms of foreign currency and imports become costlier. Current account deficit widened because Indian imports basically constitutes essentials such as crude oil, natural resources and many capital goods. Depreciation of Indian Rupee made the exports more competitive globally and as a result higher exports covered up the trade deficit. Farmers: The prices of the primary commodities such as minerals, diesel oil and fuel, power light and lubricants went up significantly. This disparity affected the agricultural sector in two ways- It had a restrictive effect on investments in farming and affected the production efficiency. On one hand the agricultural commodity prices were falling or stagnant and on the other hand increasing prices of agriculture inputs and other daily life commodities led to deterioration in the living standard of the farmers. Prices paid by the consumer have impacted by the cost of living of the entire value chain, which grows on the inefficient markets and this adds to the final cost of the material. For example, high energy cost itself has contributed to the increase in the cost of inputs required for agriculture besides pushing up the marketing costs of farm products. IT companies: The IT sector is amongst the highest recruiters in the Indian economy and a depreciating rupee spells good news for the sector. Bills for Information Technology companies are basically prepared in dollars or in other foreign currencies. Depreciation of the rupee increased their realizations and bodes well for their margins. The main reason for the good performance in the second quarter of Infosys Technologies and Satyam Computers was the depreciation of the Indian Rupee. An estimate suggests that a 1 per cent depreciation in the rupee expands an IT companys margins by 0.30-0.40 per cent. CONCLUSION Majority of Indias population lies close to the poverty line and inflation acts as a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬-Poor Mans Tax. More than half of the income of this group is spent on food and this effect is amplified when food prices rise. The dramatic increase in inflation will have economic as well as political implications for the Congress Government, with an election due within a year. Economic growth rate in the emerging markets have slowed down but is far from over. The BRIC countries i.e. Brazil, Russia, India and China alone account for more than 3 billion people and with consumption rate increasing every year. It is expected that the high inflation rates will be there for a long period of time which is worrying news for the Indian Government. Direct regulatory measures such as the reduction in import tariffs were adopted in order relax the supply-side pressures on various agricultural commodities. While adopting the direct measures, the Government realized that the relaxation of supply-side pressures would dampen inflationary expectations by increasing supplies in the commodities market. The RBIs attempt to control excess liquidity in the market byraising the interest rates pushed up real-estate prices as well as the commodity prices, thus fuelling inflation. A closer look at certain commodities would reveal that the prices of sugar and wheat were managed by the Government through various market intervention mechanisms. As a result the physical market’s role in effective price discovery was affected. Trade in the commodities market operated in an asymmetrical information situation from both the supply and demand sides. Hence, market operations could only benefit segments that were privy to the available information. The existing agricultural market ecosystem revolves around the traders and to some extent the producers with no say from side of consumers. Hence, at the end both consumers and producers are often at a loss. Generally, traders keep a heavy margin to compensate for the physical and financial risk involved in carrying the commodity for short as well as long term.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Macbeth Senior Research Paper -- essays research papers
In Shakespeare’s lifetime he wrote many plays. Many of them were critically acclaimed and others cast aside. The crowd always wanted to be more thoroughly entertained and Shakespeare always tried to keep up with the people’s needs. In 1605, Shakespeare was being hounded for another work of genius. Hamlet and King Lear had just been completed and the people begged for more. He knew not of what to write and like many playwrights, he did research. He found two stories from Hollinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Shakespeare had already taken ideas from Hollinshed for his plays like Henry IV and Henry V. William decided to combine the reign of Macbeth and the murder of King Duff by Donwald and his wife, altering both to suit his needs. Macbeth is by far the shortest play that William Shakespeare wrote. The main reason why this is so is not because Shakespeare did not have much to say, but because King James was so impatient. Macbeth was written basically for the king. In fact, the emphasis on witchery was because King James so heavily believed in sorcery. Shakespeare worried very much about the evil powers insulting the king. After all was said and done, Macbeth was another barrier to be broken in the great scheme of performances. It was an instant success. King James and the court loved it along with England. No offenses were made from Malcolm needing help from England. Shakespeare had feared that James would be offended. From that moment on Macbeth would be known by all. Yet the people begged for more and hoped Macbeth would be out done by another astounding play. Shakespeare wondered how such a task could be accomplished. What was it about Macbeth that made it loved by everyone? Shakespeare’s style has been analyzed by many and some still can not figure it out. His poetry has influenced his plays immensely.           Apart from the fascinating characters of the two leading roles, the play’s chief      attraction is it wonderful poetry. Scarcely a word is wasted, and vivid images      tumble after each other in a stream of color and ideas. (Ross 43)     Shakespeare put great thought into what he wanted to write and his feelings expressed themselves through the stylistic devices of tone, characterization, and symbo... victim, Duncan, is a Christ-figure overflowing with love and grace; in his welcome at Dunsinane to Duncan as being reminiscent of Judas at the Last Supper; and in the earthquake and eclipse that accompany the crucifixion of Christ and the murder of Duncan. (Monarch Notes 4) In my opinion, I never would have thought about Macbeth and the Bible relating to one another, but everyone has their own opinion. Symbolism played a very important part in Macbeth. Blood, for instance, was very key in it. Duncan’s blood on the Macbeth’s hands is a symbol of the evil crime they committed, the guilt of which cannot be washed away. Macbeth’s curse, â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red†(Shakespeare Act II, Scene III). â€Å"Lady Macbeth: Out, damned spot! out I say!...yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him†(Shakespeare Act V, Scene I). The guilt of Duncan’s murder, although more present in Macbeth at first, has grown in Lady Macbeth until she began having the same insane visions of her hands getting bloodier and bloodier not ever coming clean.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Can digital art be considered fine art Essay
The debate between traditional art and digital art has been going on for some time. People argue that art is art so long as it involves universal expression of imagination creativity and storytelling. Whether it is through painting, music, painting or sculpting so long as it delivers the intended purpose. These people suggest that the medium does not matter and all that matters is the content. Some people argue that Digital art is not art, it is basically a collection of photo shops for people who don’t know how to draw. Digital art does not involve talent emotion and insight. Anyone who can take a photo can do this. Digital painters simply bash together real painters works and other various photos to form images. These people argue that digital art is computer generated therefore not real as there are infinite copies since there is no original. This notion and perception is entirely right. Digital art is not real art because it contains less aspects of creativity of art and d esign. Unlike like the traditional art and paintings digital works show less emotions and creativity of the artist. Before camera invention artist had the main role off depicting the real world. Art has been changing in the subject it shows though every time it’s a window to real world. The invention of camera and other digital machines has redefined art. The digital artists are not really talented artists because they simply rely on the computers to produce their work. Without the computers, such artists are rendered useless. The digitalized art is not as deep and moving as the traditional art. It does not show much emotion like the one done using paint and brush (Horowitz, Hill & Hayes, 2009). Traditional painting depicts more originality and authenticity. It brings out the artists true ability of creativity and imagination. On the contrary, digital art does not reveal the true capacity of the artist. The artists have just taken shortcuts. They do not cover greater depth of creating and forming the images. Digital art does not show imagination or real creativity. Anyone with the knowledge of a computer and the camera can merge the pictures and painting on a computer to come up with digital art. One does not really have to be talented to make digital art but with traditional painting it is only for the talented who are able to reach out to the audience in a more natural way. Traditional art is more effective in conveying the artist’s message. The fact that the audience can see and even feel the piece of art gives traditional painting an upper hand than the digitalized art. No printer or computer can paint in impasto. For fine art, thick and textured paint is what makes the painting unique and special. The digital print is less unique because of the uniform surface. Traditional art is more is more involving than the digital one, the artist has to pay attention to details in order to bring out the message or reach out to the audience. This gives traditional art more value. Traditional art has a special unique effect to the audience it feels more real and easy to relate to. Research shows that people have a better understanding and connection to things they can see touch and smell than things, which they just see. Digital art is not an artist’s inventiveness but rather it is it is modification and merging of different pictures. Digital art like music, is a computerized copy mere fabrication and modification of true art programs and numerical cord. It has less to do with creativity. Traditional art is rarely replicated but digital art is replicated in many ways. This dilutes the aspect of art since fine art is supposed to be original. In digital art, a person has anonymity from construction and immunity to error. Clicking ‘print’ and ‘undo’ cannot be considered equal to brush work. Digital art is a mere manipulation of the real and traditional art. It is just meant for convenience in terms of accessibility and ease . An artist is able to create many pieces of art in a shorter time using the digital medium. People prefer accessing the arts through the digitalized devices but a person who appreciates real arts goes to the galleries and exhibition stores just to feel and acknowledge the real thrill. Digital art is meant for people who have less interest in fine art. The interested people and artist who value art prefer the traditional art as they can relate and derive better meaning from it compared to the digital art (Quora, 2014). Conclusion As much as art is art, detail and degree of authenticity matters. Art is all about originality and creativity and digital art depict less of these qualities. This makes digital art to be considered irrelevant when compared to traditional art. Traditional art involves pure talent while digital art is merely the duplication and merging of different arts that already existed. Traditional art is easier to connect and relate to because they can be touched and seen at the same time. References Horowitz, P., Hill, W., & Hayes, T. C. (2009). The art of electronics (Vol. 2, p. 658). Cambridge: Cambridge university press. Quora. Is digital really art?:- December 2014. 10 Dec.2014 Source document
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bower’s Network Theory and its Link in Depression and Anxiety
Bower's (1981, 1991) influential network theory assumed that mood states automatically activate all associated representations in memory. Bower (1981) suggested that the approach to the development of this theory is considering humans as biological machines endowed with a cognitive system (for acquiring and using knowledge), and to ask what role motives and emotions should play in such a system. Bower (1981) suggested that mood can be represented as a node, or unit, within an associative network model of memory.Within such a network, a particular mood may become linked or associated with events that occur during one's life when the mood was experienced. Given these relations, when someone is in a happy mood they may be more likely to retrieve and become consciously aware of events that occurred at a previous time when the happy mood was experienced. Bower (1981) referred to this as mood-state dependent memory. However, a reversal of this effect should also be plausible: taking a part icular event associated with a mood.Schwarz (1998) informed that Bower’s model made two key predictions: First, memory is enhanced when the affective state at the time of encoding matches the affective state at the time of retrieval (state-dependent learning). Thus, we are more likely to recall material acquired in a particular mood when we are in the same, rather than a different, mood at the time of recall. Second, any given material is more likely to be retrieved when its affective tone matches the individual's mood at the time of recall (mood-congruent memory).Thus, information of a positive inclination is more likely to come to mind when we are in a happy rather than sad mood. In relating mood-memory and its effect to cognitive processes in emotion, studies have helped in understanding individual differences in emotionality, and particularly differences in vulnerability to pathological emotional states. Two general types of study are therefore of special interest: those comparing groups differing on trait measures of negative emotionality and those that contrast individuals with or without emotional disorders such as depression or anxiety states.In most of this research the implicit or explicit hypothesis is that differences in how individuals process emotional information may be a causal factor in the development or maintenance of emotional disorders (Mathews & Macleod, 1994). Several researchers have reported that depressed mood states elicit more pronounced cognitive biases in those individuals who report a past history of depressive episodes, suggesting a high level of trait vulnerability to this emotion (Miranda et al 1990). Similar findings have been reported concerning the patterns of selective attention associated with elevated anxiety.Using the dot probe detection paradigm to assess distribution of visual attention, MacLeod & Mathews (1988) tested separate groups of high trait and low trait anxious students on two occasions, again when sta te anxiety was low (early in the semester) and once when state anxiety was high (in the week before an important examination). When state anxiety was low, neither the high trait nor the low trait anxious groups showed any selective attentional response to emotionally negative stimuli words.High trait anxious students responded to elevated state anxiety by displaying increased allocation of visual attention toward emotionally threatening examination-related stimulus words. In contrast, low trait anxious subjects responded to the state anxiety elevation by showing a marginally significant effect in the opposite direction. Depending on how one thinks emotional information is represented in memory, emotional states could activate all congruent representations; that is, those consistent in valence and meaning with that emotion.Alternatively, only some kinds of congruent information might be activated, such as that involved in causing the emotion or relating to the individual's current co ncerns. Finally, emotions could be associated with effects that are relatively specific not only to particular cognitive content but also to certain types of cognitive operations on that information (Mathews & Macleod, 1994). The problems with Bower’s (1981) network theory include: 1. ) failure to replicate mood state-dependent memory effects, 2.) presence of instructional effects on judgmental bias and mood-incongruent recall, 3. ) failure to find (single) lexical decision effects of mood state, 4. ) restriction of mood-congruent recall to self-encoded stimuli, 5. ) specificity of attentional bias to domain of current concern, and 6. ) facilitation of different types of cognitive operation in different emotions. Bibliography Bower G. H. 1991. Mood congruity of social judgments. In Emotion and Social Judgments, ed. JP Forgas, pp. 31-53. Oxford: Pergamon. Bower, G. H. 1981. Mood and memory.American Psychologist, 36, 129–148. MacLeod C. & Mathews A. M. 1988. Anxiety and the allocation of attention to threat. Q. J. Exp. Psychol: Hum. Exp. Psychol. 38:659-70. Mathews, A. , & Macleod, C. 1994. Cognitive Approaches to Emotion and Emotional Disorders. Annual Review of Psychology, 45: 26-45. Miranda J. , Persons J. B. & Byers C. N. 1990. Endorsement of dysfunctional beliefs depends on mood state. J. Abnorm. Psychol. 99:237-41. Schwarz, N. 1998. Warmer and More Social: Recent Developments in Cognitive Social Psychology. Annual Review of Sociology, 24(1): 239.
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