Thursday, December 26, 2019
Silent Ears, Silent Heart Essay - 1320 Words
Silent Ears, Silent Heart I thought that Silent Ears, Silent Heart was an excellent book. It really gave you a full prospective of what a family and a person has to go through living a life without being able to hear sound it also helps you realize what someone has to go through that can’t hear what is going on around them. The book starts off with a couple named the Clines there’s Mr. Cline who is Jack who runs his own multimillion dollar business in a glass production. His dream is to have his son at his side and follow in his footsteps and run the family business someday. Then there’s Mrs. Cline who is Margret who is a stay at home wife that is waiting the arrival of their child. The book starts off with them being a typical†¦show more content†¦He was in complete denial. For some reason he thought that if his son cannot hear that makes him stupid and a retard. Witch I found appalling. That a father could say such a thing about his own son just because he was different and cou ld possibly have a disability. Throughout most of the book his father has a hard time excepting that his son has a problem. At one part he practically disowns his whole family. His business was having a big corporate business and his wife and son were there and one of the employees were explaining to someone else how his son was deaf and that his son is probably not going to be able to take over the family business, Mr. Clines pulls the man to the side and tells him as far as the business people know he has no family, no wife and no son which how could a father say that. The first time where I was able to see the father actually care is when his wife gets a letter in the mail asking them to register their son into a special needs program to try and get him ready for kindergarten since he will not be able to progress as quickly as the other children in class. But his mom had a very hard time letting go of her baby bay. He still was only 3 years old but that’s when he needed to start learning how to communicate so that he can be ready for kindergarten. Mr. Clines signs the paper right away but his wife is still having a hard time excepting sending her son to school so early when she couldShow MoreRelatedShort Story750 Words  | 3 PagesSILENT! Very silent it remained, at the moment that the room saved... ghost silent, all stood still. I opened the gated door and I faintly warped the rusted door knob, with pleasure I ushered in the friendly officers. A big sizable and nice, trusting smile I kept , to make sure they don’t sprout any c ertain suspicions. I sat them down right above where the body lied to rot. We prattled on about familiar topics, but hitherto then, I gained their assurance. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Democracy - 1783 Words
Democracy in America Democracy in America Democracy in America has changed through the years. We started out a republic and in some ways we still are, but in other ways we have turned into a democracy and in some ways we have turned into a socialist country. We still have the vote and the Electoral College. That is an example of how we are still a republic. An example of how we have turned to democracy is the unions. When a union gets together and votes on something such as a strike, that is mob rule and, with the exception of making a deal, there is nothing that anyone can do. An example of how we have become more socialist is the fact that the progressives want to make everything equal and with the current President and Senate, they†¦show more content†¦The Presidential office has changed over time. When this country was first founded and separated from Great Britain, the President, when there finally was one, worked for the people and not for his party. As time has gone by, the President has more often than not pushed for whatever his party has wanted and not necessarily what the people have wanted. Also, the President has more and more pushed things for his own agenda as opposed to the good of the country. I think the framers of the Constitution should have written that in order to be President, the person running should have to have been in the military and also have to have been in some sort of political office or executive in a business. I think that if this was written into the Constitution, this country would be in much better shape than it is today. One other item that the President has is executive power. I believe he uses that power entirely too much. There are certain times when the President should not be allowed to use that power. Our current President has abuse that power. There should be a limit on how many times he can use it and for what. Also, the presidential power of pardoning of prisoners is abused in some cases. Take Bill Clinton for example; he par doned over 300 people during his presidency but over 140 people were on his last day. Many of those people were violent or drug users and sellers. The power of pardon should be taken away and given to the senate to be voted on or taken awayShow MoreRelatedDemocracy Is Not A Democracy1297 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.†said by John Adams Defines our country s government to a tea Democracy commonly refers to a type of political system in which the people or their representatives lawfully govern themselves, rather than being governed, say, by a military dictatorship, totalitarian party or monarchRead MoreDemocracy : Democracy Vs. Democracy1589 Words  | 7 PagesDemocracy is a Greek invention, first practiced in the ancient Greek city of Athens. In the late 20t h century, Democracy triumphed over all other major ideological systems, so overpowering was its victory that former critics now began to advocate their own democratic credentials. The vigorous rise of democracy has continued ever since and today there are over 112 self-proclaimed democratic countries around the world(Kekic 2007), whether all these countries are truly democratic or not is debatableRead MoreDemocracy And Its Impact On Democracy965 Words  | 4 Pages How are they related to democracy, concepts discuss the procedures that make democracy possible. Democracy related to our lives by looking for the right thing to do, for every one of us have equality and freedom of speech, we could have multiple ideas it might change the ideology of the country, we also could related the democracy by looking at the facts. The facts are Free Elections, Political Participation, Civil Liberties, and Functioning Government. The democracy is one of the most common typesRead MoreDemocracy And Its Impact On Democracy1329 Words  | 6 Pages Democracy is a particular form of government the means, â€Å"ruled by the people†. The Greeks are widely credited for the concept of democracy, around six B.C. Many political science experts consider the early Greek government, to be a perfect for of democracy. People had the ability to decide various government issues, and the right to suffrage. Through out time, the concept of democracy was established by many nations. The United States, is widely credited on making democracy widely used aroundRead MoreDemocracy : A Perfect Democracy1398 Words  | 6 PagesDemocracy at its purest form is a system of government, which allows each and every citizen to participate actively and equally in the decisions being made. In a perfect democracy, the decisions made the government are perfect representations of what the people want. In reality, a perfect democracy is nearly impossible, especially when dealing with a population as large as the United States, but there are still techniq ues and systems that can be implemented into a society in which democracy can beRead MoreDemocracy And Its Effect On Democracy894 Words  | 4 PagesDemocracy in its most basic form is a type of governing system ruled by the citizens of a particular society. The first form of democracy can be found in ancient Greece, and the modern form of Democracy was established in part by the French revolution because it brought back the idea of rule by the people. Although, for most of history democracy was not viewed in a positive light. According to Mintz, Close, and Croci many people feared democracy because they thought the masses would not act withRead MoreDemocracy And Its Effect On Democracy Essay2111 Words  | 9 PagesOver the past quarter-century, democracy has stood at the center of political debate in many countries and it is a constant concern of the political and social sciences. Since its origins in ancient Greece, democracy was seen as a form of government where power was exercised by the people, that is, where political decisions were made by the majority. Today, democracy enjoys great recognition, but it is important to bear in mind that where democracy is now the preferred constitution, we can not forgetRead MoreDemocracy And Its Lack Of Democracy2099 Words  | 9 Pagesoligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Most shocking critique throughout the discussion is about democracy and its ineffectiveness to rule. Plato’s disagreement of democracy does not involve of what we are acquainted with today, but rather the idea of democracy. Plato explores the central strain of the government that is acknowledged with liberty and fairness. Also, this form of government known for its embracement of freedom and equality. Plato’s description and disagreement about democracy is correctRead MoreDemocracy843 Words  | 4 PagesDemocracy Essay 1 Democracy is a means for the people to choose their leaders and to hold their leaders accountable for their policies and their conduct in office. The key role of citizens in a democracy is to participate in public life. Democracy is also a system of rule by laws, not by individuals. Democracy is not a government. It is a way of thinking and a responsibilityRead MoreDemocracy949 Words  | 4 Pages112 American Government Professor: Dr. Moon Park Term Paper 03/17/15 Is United States of America a Democratic country? Democracy has been defined as a government structure which people are involved in decision making about it either directly or through by the representatives whom they have chosen by open vote. In a perfect sensing world ideal of perfect democracy could be described as all citizens are well informed in every topics of issues occurring around them such as human abuse, employment
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Companies and Partnership Law for Royal Charter - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCompanies and Partnership Law for Royal Charter. Answer: According to section 5 of the Partnership Act 1958, persons conducting business with a view to earn profits shall be deemed to be in a partnership relation with each other. However, the relation between two members of a company that is registered under any Act or is formed in accordance to any Act or Royal charter or any patent letter, shall not be considered as partnership within the meaning of this Act. The following conduct of the parties give rise to partnership: there must be a valid agreement between the parties intending to enter into partnership relation; the partners must be equally empowered to monitor the transactions of the company and participate in the decision-making process of the partnership firm; the partners are empowered to bind the firm; the partners are bound by the acts on behalf of the firm; the partners are jointly liable for all the obligations and the debts of the firm incurred while the partner continues to be then partner of the firm; the partners cannot expel any other partner unless there is an agreement between the partners for the same; the partners provide complete information and render true accounts of the firm; the partners are accountable for making any profit without the consent of other partners; the partnership may dissolve by death or on bankruptcy; or when the partnership becomes unlawful or when the court dissolves the partnership; Therefore, as per the Partnership Act, the partners of a partnership firm aims at carrying on the business activities with a common objective to earn profits (Coffee et al. 2015). The partners of a partnership firm must have mutual trusts among them and act in a manner that is not detrimental to the partnership. They are under statutory obligations to carry on the transactions of the firm in lawful manner and render true accounts to the other partners of the partnership firm. If any partner is involved in any form of misconduct o illegal activities, the remaining partners may initiate legal action against such partner or in case, any unlawful event takes place, the partners may dissolve the partnership or approach the court to dissolve the partnership firm. One of the significant advantage of a partnership firm is that every partner is responsible for conducting the transaction of the business and a sole individual is not responsible for every transaction as in sole proprietorship form of business. Legal principles There is no difference between a trading name and a business name and can be used interchangeably. The legal name of a business shall appear on every official documents and legal documents such as legal contracts, employment contracts, etc. the legal name of a sole trader is the very name of the trader himself. The other forms of legal names include name of an incorporated association or a proprietary limited company (Hoye et al. 2015). While starting a business, if a person wishes to operate a partnership firm or a sole trader or a trust, except a company, it is important to register the business name of under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). In case the name of the business includes the name and surname of the person operating the business or that of his partner, it need not be registered under the ASIC. A business name is required to be registered under the ASIC only if the name is different from the legal name of the person starting up the business. However, the business name cannot be updated once it is registered under the ASIC even if updating the name signifies a minute change in it. In order to carry out the trade activities under a different name, it must be registered as a new business. The person wishing to update or change the business name may either cancel then existing name or keep the name prevailing for using it later for a different purpose (Lo 2017). Examples Shirley Price has a jeweler business named Shirley Price. Since the trading name includes her own name. it need not be registered. Joey Tribbiani operates a stationery business named Tribbs stationeries. Since the trading name does not include his own name, he must register the business name Tribbs stationeries. In the given scenario, Earl wishes to attach a business name to the Spectacular Pty Ltd and as a the name suggests, he is a sole trader, therefore, the name of the business has already been registered under the ASIC. In order to change the name from Spectacular Pty ltd to Spekkie Events, Eral would have to register the existing business as a new one and cancel the existing name Spectacular Pty Ltd. Evidence of research All the business registration is conducted under the ASIC through its website where Earl can obtain the Australian Business Number (ABN) and register the name online. The name of the business is decided and checks its availability on the ASIC website and register the business. Legal principles Every business organizations must follow standard procedures for the former employees. It is often observed that former employees tend to misuse the confidential information that they possessed while they were the employees of the former organization, which includes the list of the clients dealt with by the former organization (McQueen 2016). Under such circumstances, the employer of t former organization may either terminate the employee or bring a legal action against the wrongdoer and obtain reliefs by way of damages or obtain injunction order against the wrongdoer. The ASIC forbids any former employee to misuse any confidential information that the employee had access to while he was an employee of the former organization. It is contrary to the business code of conduct to misuse the confidential information of former organization for the benefit of the former employee. Relevant cases In Gilford Motor Company Ltd v Horne, Mr. Horne was a former employee of the motor company and was prohibited from soliciting the customers of the Gilford Company. However, he initiated a new company and solicited the customers of the company. The court considered it as a sham under the cloak of corporate veil and was liable for his misconduct. Evidence of Research In the given scenario, Earl left the Golden Lights Pty Ltd on 11 Dec, hence he was not supposed to steal eh customers list for his own benefits and is liable to legal action that may be brought against him by the employer of the Golden Lights Pty Ltd. This was further held in SAI Global Property Division Pty Ltd v Johnstone [2016] FCA 1333. Legal principles A company is said to have a separate legal identity, which is distinct from that of its members. In case of any breach arising out of the contracts, the company would be held liable for the same and not its members and this principle is known as the Veil of the Corporation. The principle states that there is a fictional veil between the company and its members (Wilson 2016). However, the court under certain circumstances may not consider this principle and hold the members of the company liable for any act conducted for misusing the corporation behind the veil. This is known as the lifting or piercing the corporate veil. Relevant cases In Salomon v Salomon and Co. Ltd [1897] AC 22, the principle of corporate veil was introduced where the company is said to have a separate legal entity, different from its members. In Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners, the court held that the principle of corporate veil must be applied cautiously. In case, the defendant had conducted inappropriately or exhibited any misconduct using the legal entity of the corporation, the court shall pierce the corporate veil and hold the individual personally liable for such misconduct. Research Evidence Therefore, in the given scenario, Earl stole the clients list from the Golden Lights Private Limited for its own benefit. He cannot hide behind the corporate veil. The court shall pierce the corporate veil as Earl has used the legal entity for improper purpose, which amounts to a sham and is liable to pay damages. ASIC regulates the markets, finance and corporate sectors of the country ensures that the financial markets are acting in compliance with the legal obligations to operate in a fair an orderly manner and maintain transparency in the markets (Wilson 2016). In case it receives reports relating to misconduct within the market it would conduct an initial assessment of such report to ensure whether there has been violation of the laws related to financial services. ASIC would respond within 28 days from the receipt of such report. In the given case, the ASIC would investigate about the sham caused by Earl by stealing the confidential clients lists from Golden Lights Pty Ltd for his own benefits. If the ASIC is of the opinion that there has been a clear misconduct and action should be taken, it would initiate any administrative, criminal or civil action against Earl in case of violation of the laws regulated by the ASIC. Reference List (2017). How ASIC deals with reports of misconduct | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2017]. Coffee Jr, J.C., Sale, H. and Henderson, M.T., 2015. Securities regulation: Cases and materials. Gilford Motor Company Ltd v Horne Hoye, R., Smith, A.C., Nicholson, M. and Stewart, B., 2015. Sport management: principles and applications. Routledge. Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland revenue Commissioners Lo, S.H., 2017. Piercing of the corporate veil for evasion of tort obligations. Common Law World Review, 46(1), pp.42-60. McQueen, R., 2016. A Social History of Company Law: Great Britain and the Australian Colonies 18541920. Routledge. Partnership Act 1958. SAI Global Property Division Pty Ltd v Johnstone [2016] FCA 1333. Salomon v Salomon and Co. Ltd [1897] AC 22 Wilson, G., 2016. The search for a principled approach to lifting the corporate veil: a Polanyian perspective to a Quixotic quest.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Reflection on the Leadership Behavior free essay sample
Based on the theory of ethical and authentic leadership styles and finished questionnaire which reflected situations about me, this assignment is to analysis which kind of leadership I am. In the following paragraphs, I will illustrate the similarities and differences between my self-assessment and the questionnaire’s results and try to find out my leadership style by explaining each kind of leadership style together with the results. I will start with explaining the theories. There are several characteristic about ethical leaders. They respect and serve others, not only think highly of justice, but also process the beauty of honesty. As a moral person, they have perfect personalities. As a moral manager, it was their effort to influence the ethical behaviors of others (Trevino, Brown, amp; Hartman, 2003). Being a moral person is the priority of being a moral manager while moral manager strengthen their leadership through more emotional communications. They will consider their staff in the first place when they are make decisions and award their employees for their moral behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on the Leadership Behavior or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Speaking of authentic leadership style, it shared some characteristic with ethical leadership style. For instance, they both have positive core values such as altruism, kindness, fairness, accountability, and optimism. These characteristic motivate leaders to do what is right and fair for fellows and forming relationships filled with trust, communicate, guidance and emphasis (Yukl, 2013). The difference is authentic leaders care more about self consciousness while ethical leaders care more about others’, so authentic leaders are more likely to be true to themselves and equipped with the character of honest . The result obtained from the questionnaire turn out to be similar to my self-assessment. I got 9 on my self-assessment on the ethical leadership part and an average number of 4. 6 on that part of the questionnaire while 5 on the self-assessment of authentic leadership and a 3 on that of the questionnaire averagely. It seems that some of my behaviors and thoughts can meet the detailed descriptions of the ethical leadership style on the questionnaire and have a strong sense of morality that would be an important part of my leadership style. Comparatively, it takes me more time to go through each options of authentic leadership style for some of them have merely come up to my mind before. Comparing my self-assessment to the explanation, I surprisingly find it shows exactly my personal situation. At most of the circumstances, including daily life or in the role of a leader, I’d like to respect others’ opinion and have faith in influencing others through my moral behaviors. I also feel responsible to serve others when I could and award them for their outstanding behaviors or improvements. Although I don’t have a lot of chances to practice my ideas, I have high mark on ethical in the self- assessment. Even the results turned out to be unsatisfied, I will consider them successes for the moral influences. In another aspect, I have to admit that I don’t have a very good mark on authentic. When I look into the explanation of it, I find that I do not match with the idea of being true to myself. I am more likely to hide those parts of me that unwilling to be seen by others especially those parts that concerned moral but I am not perfect at. I think in the coming future I need to work on the character of authentic leader style and make up the weaknesses. Comparing the result from the questionnaire with the theory, with an average of 4. 6 on ethical, I find each question from the questionnaire is inspiring. Among all the 10 features, I get the lowest on the 9th and my reason was we should look at the bigger pictures when we making decisions. But when it comes to taking actions, the priority thing is to make sure all the behaviors during the process is moral instead of having the best interest of team members in mind. But according to Yukl, having the best interest of team members in mind is the representation of serving others and that is very persuasive. Meanwhile, I have an average of 3 on authentic. It is hard for me to give a positive mark on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and 16th. I think the outcome have a lot to do with my habit of hiding some part of myself and unwilling to share mentally things. I think I should learn to find a balance between being true myself and a moral person. In conclusion, I think the self-assessment and the questionnaire is very useful for me to get a visual result of my leadership style situation and analyze it together with the theory of ethical and authentic leadership style can help me to realize the character and weaknesses, which is having the willing to behave moral and influence others but still need to learn how to be true self when leading people.
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