Monday, January 27, 2020
European Union Countries
European Union Countries Introduction European Union itself reflects globalization by changing laws of European countries, and also European Union is very important in worlds economy strategies. What does globalization mean, indeed? By definition, globalization is a process of change in some kind of area such as technology, trade market of war, which affects the whole world. Sometimes globalization can bring a great gift for the people of the world, sometimes not. The main idea of the European Union means to bring the peace to the whole world by respecting human rights and by uniting people together. As I said above the globalization has to affect at least few countries or whole world, other wise it is not globalization. The point is that European Union consists of twenty seven sovereign countries. And decision which comes from the European Union affects all this twenty seven countries. Also European Union has big influence in world trade market, because of the currency of the European Union is in the second place in tra de market. Also, economy of the European Union stays on the second place by the worlds rates. In addition, the European Union has voice in United Nations organization, and it can change most of the decisions either in good way or bad. The history of the European community is incredible, and it had experienced almost everything. European community had experienced wars between neighbor countries, revolutions, colonialism and many other things. However, now European community is one of the strongest economical powers in the world. Most of the time the European Union was an international organization, but now it has big influence in military services, also it functions in monetary system of the European countries, and it has big importance in economy. The European Union is a part of the government for each European country. Also, the monetary system of the European Union is one of the significant systems in Eurasia, which provides economic stability in European Countries. European Union All the great and powerful unions were not made at once. Unions were made step by step, and improving their visible and weak factors. In our days one of the powerful and influenced unions is European. â€Å"Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single, general plan. It will be built through concrete achievements, which first create a factor of solidarity†. (Robert Schuman). With this words Schuman declaration accurately predicted the way in which the Community has become the Union today. When the European countries created the European Union, the first target of the union was to gain a peace between European countries. In 1950 the European organizations such as European Coal and Steel Community started to unite countries, because this organizations wanted to keep the peace between European countries, and also it was big benefit to European countries in economical and political spheres. Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands were the countries which formed first European Union. The speech given by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman inspired European countries to unite. (The history of EU). One of the successes which European Union gained was stopping of custom charges between European countries. Also, the member countries of the European Union made contract between each others to control production of food. This decision was made to improve agricultural structure, and the European Union wanted to produce enough food for the member countries. (The ‘Swinging Sixties a period of economic growth). â€Å"1962 The Council of Europe adopts the first directive. It establishes the EEC global foodstuff regulation by defining which colorants can be added to food.†(BBC News, 5 December, 2000). In 1967 the European Union had united the main ruling institutions, such as European Parliament, Commission and Court. (History of the European Union). Which meant that European institutions work as one system, and each member country of the European Union had a person who presented the countys interests. In 1992 the Treaty of Maastricht offered to have one single army, which in the situation of the threat they can protect each others interests as one power (History of the European Union). The European Union consists of twenty seven sovereign countries. Member countries of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (Member State of the European Union). As the facts shows there are more countries which want to join European Union, and one of the main candidate is Turkey. The main achievement of these counties is democracy. Democracy means to protect human values, and it means freedom. These are the main values which European countries store. For over half a century, the European Union has: delivered half a century of stability, peace and prosperity within its member countries. European Union raised its citizens standards of living to unprecedented levels, and even strengthened Europes voice in the world. The European Union has given its member countries citizens many different benefits in different aspects of life. It has made life easier and more convenient in many ways. It has even promoted peace and a spirit of brotherhood between old rival nations. Another benefit of the European Union is a single currency. Joining European Union has many benefits, such as political, economical, social, and environmental. Republic of Poland, for example, gained all these benefits joining the European Union. The political benefit of Republic of Poland is to participate in acceptance of the laws in European institutions. Also, joining to the European Union provides Polish people to travel without visa in Europe, and Polish people can f ind the jobs in any part of the European Union. In addition, Republic of Poland can count on European Armys support in a situation of war conflict. The economical benefits are open market, changes in agriculture, and Poland can stabilize their inflation. Open market will provide Poland to sell their products in every European country, which will help to increase competition between companies, and it will decrease the prices of goods. (Joining European Union, List of Benefits) The social benefit which Poland gained was European standards of life. Also the Polish students who study in other parts of European Union can get scholarship, and they can provide their knowledge about Poland to student abroad. Another important benefit is environmental benefit which Republic of Poland gained joining European Union. The Poland should follow the environmental aspects of European Union, which means they will improve their environmental problems. (Joining European Union, List of Benefits). The European Union has given its citizens greater freedom of movement. Traveling within the European Union nations is now very convenient. In most of the European Union you can travel without carrying passport and without being stopped for the checks at the borders. A citizen of the European Union can travel, study and work wherever she or he chooses to in any of the European Union countries. Departments and policies of European Union The European Union has a very complex system. It has different bodies carrying different important jobs that make the system work properly. Each job has its significance. While all the member countries of the European Union work as one, and its system function well as one body, they become very successful as they take on many difficult tasks of accomplishing a united, integrated Europe. The countries that make up European Union are all committed to the same fundamental values, such as peace and democracy. And in this bases all ruling institutions has been made. The main institutions of the European Union: the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice and the European Court of Auditors. (EU institutions and other bodies). The European Parliament is one of the main institutions of the European Union. The main job of the European Parliament is to introduce the new legislations. Also European Parliament gives opinions on new legislations, and it makes decisions about new legislations together with the Council of Ministers. The final decision of the new legislation has to be taken by the European parliament and the Council of Ministers. In addition, the name of the European Parliament is â€Å"watch dog†of the European Union. They named European Parliament as â€Å"watch dog†because it monitors all operations in European Union. Also European Parliament monitors budget of the European Union, because the money of the EU budget has to be distributed lawfully. The locations of the European Parliament are Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxemburg. The Members of the European Parliament are elected by the people whose country they represent. Also, the European Parliament is elected every five years by the citizens of the European countries. (The European Parliament) The Council of the European Union is a main institution which takes final decisions passing new legislation. The Council of the European Union consists of twenty seven ministers. Every minister represents the country in which he or she has been selected to represent country. When the Council of the European Union is going to accept new legislation which can affect sphere of transportation, then the Minister of Transport will attend, and so on. (The Council of the European Union) The European Commissions main job is to prepare new legislation and laws before the legislation will be accepted in the European Parliament. The European Commission also does a job as the peacemaker. When the member countries of the European Union argue between themselves the European Commission will solve their problems. Every member of the European Commission has to put the interests of the European Union first, rather than their own country. When some kind of problem or situation happens in European Union the members of the European Commission have to solve these problems as uniform system. (The European Commission) The European Court of Justices location is in Luxemburg. The European Court of Justice consists of one judge from every member country of the European Union. Most of time thirteen judges take part in court to solve the problem. The main job of the European Court of Justice is to monitor the laws. Every citizen of the European Union has to obey the Court of Justice and laws of the European Union. (The Court of Justice) The European Court of Auditors work is to monitor the budget of the European Union. This organization makes sure that documentations of the taxpayers are legal and right. In some cases if the documentations are wrong the European Court of Auditors have right to investigate any types of economical operations. In additions, the European Court of Auditors doesnt depend on other institutions; however, it keeps touch with other institutions. (The European Court of Auditors) European Union Monetary When the European Union created monetary system for whole European countries, the first target of the monetary system was to prevent economic damage, and stabilize economic situation in a moment of need. When the European Union created European Monetary Institute the first target of it was to create uniform currency for European member countries. (European Monetary System). The main idea of the European monetary system is to create more jobs for citizens of the European community, and to make European economy function better. On 1st January, 1999 the European Union has let out uniform currency, named Euro. The number of the first member countries of European Union which made Euro their national currency was eleven. On the other hand, member countries such as United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden did not adopted Euro as their national currency, they decided to keep their own national currencies. After the adaptation of the Euro, it did not show the success compared to other currencies. In addition, at the beginning the Euro felt down to 30% in world trade market. (BBC News, 5 December, 2000). â€Å"The Euro symbol @ -, developed by the European Commission, was inspired by the Greek letter epsilon and also denotes the first letter of the word â€Å"Europe†. The two parallel lines refer to the stability inside the Euro area.†(The Euro) Every system has its weaknesses and benefits. According to the economists of the United States and Europe the last analyses shows that European Monetary Union has advantages. The first benefit is that European countries do not need costs of current exchange. The second benefit is exclusion of the currencys destabilization between member countries of the European Union. The third benefit is the fast growth of economy of European Union countries. The fourth benefit is the solvency of the more complicated monetary problems. (â€Å"Benefits and Costs of European Economic and Monetary Union†, Gerhard Fink; Dominic Salvatore) With the advantages every monetary system also has problems, such as inflation. Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices overtime. It may also refer to rise in the prices of a specific set goods or services. In either case, it is measured as the percentage rate of change of a price index. According to the â€Å"EuroStat†statistics the inflation has made 2.3% in European Union in August. Compared to 2006 the inflation norm was 2.2% in 2005. In 2006 the norm of inflation rose 0.1 percent every month (Gian Luigi Mazzi and Rosa Ruggeri Cannata, August 2006). In a low inflationary spheres have got countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Poland. The inflation average in these countries was 1.5 percent. (2006). In a high inflationary sphere have got countries such as Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia and Spain. The inflation average in these countries was 4.9 percent. (2006) The European Union always wanted to avoid the misunderstandings between member countries, and it always wanted to advance the unity of European community. Also, the main raisin of the European Union is the European Monetary System. On the other hand, todays trade market showed to European community that it is difficult to maintain current single currency. In addition, the main problem of the single currency for the European community is instability of Euro. When the leading companies of the Europe invest money abroad it can change the income of the companies, because when the currency is unstable it will change the amount of the money when they expressed to Euro. (Richard W. Stevenson, July 31, 1993) Conclusion In conclusion, the European Union is one of the powerful organizations in the whole world. It has influence in military, worlds economy and so on. Before the unifying Europe had gone through the difficult times, such as war, economic disasters, and unemployment. European countries gain many benefits by unifying. European countries realized that they can not succeed along, the unity of these countries was the great step which they gained. The economy of the member countries of the European Union increased to many times after the unity. Still remains the question will the European Union stay the same or will it change the directions of unity. People of the Europe has big pessimism about European Union, people say unemployment is still stays unstable. However, Europe would never gain these kind of success if they were not united. Can you imagine what European countries could gain if they had been united in ancient times. They could have avoided the wars between European countries. However, European countries are united now, and this is a huge success in a history of Europe. â€Å"A day will come when all the nations of this continent, without loosing their distinct qualities or their glorious individuality, will fuse together in a higher unity and form the European brotherhood. A day will come when there will be no other battlefields than those of the mind open marketplaces for ideas. A day will come when bullets and bombs will be replaced by votes†(Victor Hugo, 1849)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
How Digital Processes Change Photography Essay -- Essays
How Digital Processes Change Photography New technology is an ever present, always advancing force in today’s world. For this reason it is no surprise that in the last decade we have begin to see the rise of digital imaging in our lives. Put simply, digital imaging is the process of changing a visual imaging into a format that a computer can understand and interpret. Whether or not the image is captured by a digital device, such as a digital camera or camcorder, or it is transformed into a digital file after its development, such as by scanning, digital processes are changing the face of photography and the way we interpret it. However, as with any new change or development, digital imaging comes with its own set of advantages, and its own set of vices. Before the era of digital imaging the process of creating a photographic image had gone on for nearly a century with relatively little advancement. Besides from improvements in film quality and development every few decades, photography was, for the most part, becoming a stable form of art. Not only could people go and get professional photographs taken, but the technology was easy enough to understand that with Kodak’s introduction of a consumer friendly camera in 1888 people could begin producing their own photographs as well. (US News, p49.) Soon followed the 35mm camera, then color film and so- on and so-forth but the primary idea never changed. However, just prior to the 1980’s the world began to see the advancement of digital imaging with the introduction of computer programs that could edit an image after it had been scanned into digital format. This was a dawning of a new era in photography, even though the world would not see the birth of the digital cam. .. ... to the cover of a national press. As fore-mentioned, this brave new world of digital imaging was showing its good and bad side. As time marches on so does the flow of new technology. Even though the old form of analog photography may never become obsolete it is abundantly clear that digital imaging is here to stay. WORKS CITED 1) Curtin, Dennis P. Choosing and Using a Digital Camera. New York: Curtin. 2001 2) Mills, Lara. â€Å"Fast and flexible: digital photography may revolutionize the creative landscape, although not for everyone.†Marketing Magazine 101 (1996): 16-17 3) â€Å"Photography’s Storied History.†US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 131 (2001) : 48-9 4) Webb, Warren. â€Å"A Digital Picture is Worth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ EDN 45 (2000) 71-8 5) Chinnock, Chris â€Å"Low-end Digital Cameras still Poised for Rapid Growth.†Electronic Design 47 (1999) 56
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Comparing Classic Cinderella to Disney’s Cinderella
Karyn Eck English 102-1025 M. Barros Final Draft Disney Predecessors February 17, 2013 Classic vs. Modern Cinderella is a classic fairytale most little girls look up to and dream about. They watch the story of Cinderella enduring hardship and cruelty then wind up with her Prince in the end. These young girls fantasize and wish for their life to be exactly like Cinderella’s story. Children most often don’t grow up reading this original fairytale from a book, they only watch the Walt Disney version and know of nothing else.So it is expected to think that they would grow up and never know that there was a different tale of Cinderella that had been told. Present day shows that this original fairytale is becoming more and more known though. So, it would be safe to say that the number of people who know of the original fairytale by their adulthood, is about to go up. The original fairytale of Cinderella, written by Charles Perrault, has many differences than Walt Disneyâ€⠄¢s version, but there are also many similarities.One of the first noticeable differences in the beginning was that in the book Cinderella’s father does not die, and is indeed still alive throughout the story. Although he is not mentioned after the beginning, it is known that he is not dead. The book simply states, â€Å"Once upon a time there was a gentlemen whose second wife was the proudest and haughtiest woman imaginable,†then the father was not to be mentioned again unless it was by Cinderella herself (78). The movie production by Walt Disney altered this detail of the story tremendously. The father went from being nonexistent to becoming ill and dying.This creates more of a dramatic setting in the very beginning. I believe that Walt Disney intentionally wanted that, to glorify Cinderella’s strength and will power. In the video production it is not known how Cinderella actually got her name, it is just assumed that she was born with her name. The writing b y Perrault says differently though. Charles Perrault writes in the original story that, â€Å"When she had finished her work she would sit huddled in the chimney corner among the cinders, and so it was that she came to be known as Cinderpuss,†(78).He also states that the younger of her stepsisters called her Cinderella, and that is how her name came to be. In the movie it appears that the step sisters are made out to be as evil as can be, whereas in the book it almost seems like they have a tiny bit of empathy towards Cinderella at times. The â€Å"beginning†of the story also differs in length. In the movie there is a longer timespan between the start of the story and the ball than in the book. The book is based almost solely on what happens at the ball. Whereas the movie has more of a story to it and involves more characters than the book does.The book also bases Cinderella’s story off of two different royal balls rather than just a single royal ball. The sto ry in the book touches briefly on all of the work and chores that Cinderella is forced to do. This is the last time that Cinderella’s father is mentioned in the story, she says, â€Å"She dared not complain to her father because he was entirely ruled by his wife and would have only scolded her,†(78). Thus showing that her father is indeed alive and well, just not a big part in the fairytale. In the movie is it noticed right away how much the stepmother and sisters rely on Cinderella.From early in the morning to late at night Walt Disney made sure to make it known how hard she was working nonstop throughout the day. Perrault seems to make it known, but not anything more. The relationship between Cinderella and her stepsisters also differs in the original from Disney’s version. The book has multiple civil conversations between the sisters and Cinderella, and even has a part where they come to Cinderella for advice and out of the kindness Cinderella has, offers to do their hair for them. Perrault writes on page 81 in reference to the ball, â€Å"They called in Cinderella, who had excellent taste, and asked her advice.She gave them the best in the world and offered to do their hair for them, an offer they were very glad to accept. †In the movie, Disney portrays the sister’s characters as so stuck up that they would never take advice from a servant like Cinderella, and the thought of Cinderella advising them would completely repulse them. Walt Disney never made a scene in the movie where the stepsisters and Cinderella were civil with each other, it was always an argument between them or rude commands made by them towards Cinderella. Perrault doesn’t even make the stepsisters in the book important enough to make their names well know.He only referred to them as the younger and elder of the two sisters besides one time where he called one of the sisters by name, Javotte. Another major difference in the book from the movie w ould be the characters. The book is more simplistic with the characters whereas the movie is made a bit more complex. Cinderella is made one with nature and all of nature’s animals in the Walt Disney production. She is a friend with almost all of the animals she comes into contact with in the film. The mice seem to play a bigger role in the movie than the stepsisters do. Cinderella has a give and take relationship with her animal friends.She clothes, feeds, and nurtures them, while they also help her with whatever they can, like making her dress for example. Although she isn’t fond of Lucifer, she still sticks up for him in the movie when she scolds Bruno for dreaming about chasing cats. In the book, the only animals mentioned are the ones Cinderella’s fairy godmother sends her for. But they have no name and barely any part in the story; they are only used for Cinderella to get to the ball. When it comes to the royal ball part of the story, there are so many dif ferences, yet it is also very similar.The movie is based on a single ball that Cinderella gets to go to with the help of her fairy godmother and that is where she loses her glass slipper. It is all in one night that Cinderella’s fairy godmother turns her mice friends into horses, her horse into the coachmen, and Bruno into the footman to take her to the ball in her pumpkin carriage. The storyline in the book is a little different than that. Perrault writes it to where Cinderella’s fairy godmother simply summons her to go get random animals in traps, cages, or behind the water butt to make into her horses, coachmen, and footman.And as for her pumpkin carriage, there was actually work that had to be done before turning it straight into the magnificent carriage. Perrault writes on page 83, â€Å"Her godmother scooped out the inside and when only the rind was left she touched it with her wand. †Whereas in the movie all she did was wave her wand and the pumpkin danc ed to life. Cinderella’s elegant gown in the book was made only once and by her fairy godmother. Compared to in the movie where Cinderella’s animal friends made her first dress for her and her second dress came from her fairy godmother.The last major difference in the royal balls would be that in the movie there is only one and in the book there are two that Cinderella asks her fairy godmother to go to, and the second one is where she loses her glass slipper rather than in the movie where she loses it at the first and only ball she attends. The character of the Prince also differs in the movie from in the original written fairytale. In the film the Prince was not informed of this mysterious and beautiful maiden who was actually Cinderella. He saw her on his own inside the palace and then decided to go up to her.In the written version though, the Prince was instantly informed of her arrival and he himself was the one to escort her from her carriage. Perrault writes, â⠂¬Å"The king’s son was told that a great princess had arrived whom nobody knew, and he hurried to welcome her,†(87). After this point Cinderella’s character is somewhat different. For example in the book Cinderella goes up to her stepsisters and gives them fruit that the Prince gave her and shows them nothing but kindness, whereas in the movie Cinderella completely avoids them because she is afraid that they will recognize her.When the Prince’s father talks about Cinderella, she is said to be the most attractive girl he has seen in a long time. The king is saying this to the queen in this part in the written story, but in the movie there is no queen that is even mentioned or spoken to. The ending of this fairytale only differs slightly in the two versions. They both end with similarities that include her leaving at the strike of midnight, her leaving her glass slipper, and the Prince yearning to know who she was and being determined to find out.One small difference that was noticed was in the book when Cinderella was leaving the ball the second night. The written version says, â€Å"The guards at the palace gate were asked if they had seen a princess leaving, but they said the only person who had gone out was a little ragged girl who looked more like a peasant than a princess,†(93). In the movie Cinderella changed back as soon as she was arriving home, unlike the book where she changed back before she even made it out of the palace. The stepsister’s part in the fairytale also differs in the end.In the movie they are still as rude and snobby as can be when they find out it was Cinderella who was the beauty at the ball. And in the book Perrault makes them out to throw away their pride and beg for forgiveness from Cinderella. He again displays Cinderella’s kind heart when he writes, â€Å"They threw themselves at her feet and begged her to forgive them for all their unkindness. Cinderella raised them up and kisse d them, telling them she forgave them with all her heart and hoped they would always love her,†(97).Even after they could not fit the tiny slipper onto their own feet, they were not bitter but only remorseful for what they had done. In the movie the stepmother thought she had won when she managed to break the glass slipper, but was also bitter and angry when she saw that Cinderella had the other one. Their characters were cut right then and there in movie. Compared to in the book, Cinderella showed her compassionate side and had her two stepsisters moved into the palace right away. The moral of the story of Cinderella remains the same through the book and the movie.That is the one part that does not differ one bit. Disney decided to keep the moral of working hard to get where you want to be, and to never give up on your dreams. The two men just went about getting the moral across to the readers/viewers in different ways. I can see however that the overall tone of the story ch anged between the two men. Disney made is much more clear how much of a victim Cinderella really was in his movie by focusing more on her abusive mother and sisters, whereas Perrault made it known she had lots of chores but focused more on the happy parts of the story.Disney would chose to make his movie this was so that the â€Å"fairytale ending†would be much more glamorous in the end. Disney was focused on what ways he can alter this story to make it sell, and Perrault was a man of simplicity and wrote the story only to create a feeling of happiness among his readers. Works Cited Perrault, Charles. Perrault's Classic French Fairy Tales. â€Å"Cinderella or The Little Glass Slipper†. Meredith Press, 1967. 78-97. Disney Corp. Cinderella, 1965, Film.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Boston Pizza For My Sustainability Review - 2224 Words
Introduction If you have had the opportunity to visit or live in Vancouver, then you aware of the incredibly sustainable practices that are used across the city, especially when compared to the rest of the world. The label of sustainability can give our city the ability to represent and define how our future as a globe can sustain itself by using the right practices. Although Vancouver is known for its beautiful mountains, scenery and outdoor activities, it is also known for its organically grown produce and furthermore, dining experiences. With recourses of locally grown, fresh and organic products delivered across BC, it allows for dining experiences to have healthier options, incredibly unique experiences and encourages local business growth across BC regions. For this assignment, I decided to use Boston Pizza for my sustainability review, located on Marine Drive in North Vancouver. There are Boston Pizza’s located all throughout North America as the restaurant is a fra nchise. A privately owned restaurant will follow an operation that works best for them, how they run their restaurants and make decisions is only presented under that one restaurant. A franchised restaurant will run an operation, however their operation will be mirrored in every restaurant that carries the name. With the responsibility of a franchise on an owners back, their overall decision to change sustainability practices within their restaurant will not come easy. The biggest problem withShow MoreRelatedEssay about Recognizing and Shaping Opportunities19389 Words  | 78 PagesEntrepreneurship + I N TE R A C TI VE I L LU S TR AT I O N S No tC Recognizing and Shaping Opportunities LYNDA M. APPLEGATE HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL Do CAROLE CARLSON 8056 | Published: September 1, 2014 This document is authorized for educator review use only by Vikas Gupta, at Institute of Management Technology - Ghaziabad (IMT) until December 2014. 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